Transcript 10/01/2021

Pete McKenzie 4:51
all right good see you here this morning. We’re going through the Beatitudes, we’re getting to the near the end of them. We’ve been through some challenging stuff, you know, the bad know, you’ll never be tested more than the Beatitudes. As far as our behavior and really understanding what we have been given in the kingdom of God and as being God’s man. We started out and it’s always good to review and to track ourselves. We start out with the important spirit. And we’ve said all along that one of the Beatitudes follows the other and without the previous ones, the one that you come to which we’re coming to today. blesser The pleat peacemakers you don’t just start being a peacemaker, some has to go on in your heart before you’re going to get to a place where you’re a man of peace. Because there’s a lot of guys of war today. There’s a lot of fighting us. There’s a lot of anger and bitterness that has to be settled. God has to be able to raise his hand in our hearts and say, peace be still God takes the fight out of us. And it’s the wrong kind of fight. There is a good fight where Paul says, I fought the good fight. But we’re not talking about that fight. We’re talking about the fight in US causes dis peace. This space in our own hearts, this space with us and others. We started with Blessed are the poor in spirit bless are those who realize they have nothing to offer God. That God chose me I didn’t choose him that there’s nothing in me that he needed. But by His grace, he came and saved me. Bless those who mourn, who were crushed over their sin, who are sad and mournful that their sin cos Jesus have to go to the cross, and God have to pay such a great price to buy me back, to redeem me to deliver me for myself. blessing to the make and the humble. Everything starts with making humble but you don’t become meek and humble. Unless you’ve been poor in spirit, you realize you’re empty and have nothing to offer. And then you’re mourning over that. And then you can get to a place of humility. And then, if you ever going to get to a place of hunger, nine thirsting for righteousness, which is a fourth beatitude you have to come through the first three, you don’t just wake up one morning and hunger and thirst for righteousness. You’ve seen what you’re like, you know your sin. You’ve mourned over your sin, you’ve repented. And then you’ve become humble. And at that point, you start saying, you know, I want to be right with God, I don’t want to live that life again. I want God’s righteousness, I want to act like he acts and do what he does. I want to be filled with his spirit. I’m tired of the war with everybody, and need to be a peacemaker. But even before we get to be a peacemaker, we have to be merciful. See, once we started hungering and thirsting for righteousness, we start seeing people differently. When I came to know Jesus Christ, I started seeing you differently, and I needed to see you differently. Now I can look at you and you can look at me and we can see all the fall the falseness, we can see all the problems, we can see all the

Unknown Speaker 8:24
things that we do that are not attractive. We can see all our faults. We can see ourselves and we can see others in that regard. But when we come to Christ, we start seeing people differently. When Jesus hung on the cross, He showed us how to see people differently. The man who put nails in his feet and his hands and thorns on his head. He saw him differently. And the way we know he saw him differently, as he said, Father, forgive them. He prayed for them. And the reason they prayed for them, he said, forgive them because they know not what they do. When’s the last time you had someone that would became your enemy? Whether you were theirs or not. And you prayed and said, Father, forgive them? They don’t know what they’re doing. You’ve been received mercy. Mercy is God saw that we had a problem and he came to solve it. Grace is unmerited favor. So God gave us mercy. What we deserved was judgment. But God chose to extend mercy to us. And then once we had mercy, then we have pure and heart. You get to that place where your motives are good. You’re you don’t have ill motives. You don’t do things for selfish ambition. But you do things for the glory of God and the good and the blessing of others. blesses are the pure in heart. They keep your heart pure that confessed his sin on a regular basis. It’s not that we’re never going to sin again. Once we come to know Jesus Christ, it’s we keep our hearts pure along the way and God gives us a power in the West. To do that, then once we achieve that place of being poor at heart, then we can say, I want to be a peacemaker. I want peace everywhere I go I’m tired of all the fights and brokenness and division and divorces and separations and anger and bitterness and vengefulness. It goes on in the world and then our hearts and God wants to raise his hand in our hearts and say Peace Be still. That’s what we’re talking about today. You know, there are wars all over in every direction. We’ll talk about that a little bit. Nature reveals when we look at nature reveals how powerless we are been noticing hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, volcanoes, tsunamis, floods, fires. And we just feel so helpless. I remember my friend feel Hanlon, they were fighting a fire a few couple of years ago and I guess they had the same thing going this year. And they got they Captain got to the top of the hill and he looked down at the fire and he just called his man away said come away get as far away as you can. We can’t fight this fire. 50 feet high flames eating out homes and neighborhoods. He said we there’s nothing we can do against Stop it. Just get away from it. The law reveals our powerlessness. God gave us a 10 commandments to show us we couldn’t keep it. We’re powerless trying to live the Christian life in our own power. Trying to be poor in spirit, trying to be merciful and pure at heart. You can’t get there from here. Only Christ in you can get you there. That’s the only way we can live this life. Marriage reveals our powerless we are Can I get an amen from the congregation trying to live too powerful centers of self assertion trying to live together and have peace. And so we find out how powerless we are trying to live the Christian life apart from the Spirit of God shows us how powerless we are. And that’s how I came to Christ. I don’t know how you came to Christ. But I tried to keep the rules. I tried to be a good guy. But there was a bad guy in me that wouldn’t let me go. There was a bad guy and me that things I knew I shouldn’t do. I did do. Things I knew I should do I didn’t want to do. And there was that guy and me. And God had to change that. God had to give me new life. He had to forgive me. He had to give me grace. He had to show me mercy. He had to deliver me and redeem me. And he did that. He bought me with a price. And it costs is him his son and his son his life.

Unknown Speaker 13:01
So when Jesus came, he was establishing a totally new kingdom. And that really shocked the Pharisees and the scribes in religious leaders, because they were looking for Messiah, and everybody was saying this must be the Messiah. And they want him to be their king. And after he fed 5000 men and who knows how many women and children with a few fishes and loaves, they said, This must be him. They said they are King and he said, My kingdom is not of this world. And he grabbed in they’ve tried to force him to be their king. And he would have none of it. He had another kingdom is the kingdom This world is not understand this world is not No. And if you’ve been born again, you’ve been born into a new kingdom. The challenge of our lives is living our lives out in that new kingdom. And you find out we can’t do it apart from Jesus Christ apart from the Holy Spirit in our heart. There’s no way we can live this life that the Sermon on the Mount in chapters five, six and seven of Matthew are showing us and revealing to us. Only a new man can live this life in the new kingdom. You know, the Jews thought the Messiah would be a militaristic and nationalistic and materialistic King, that he would come in and he would take the Romans and he would run the Romans out and then he had established the Jewish nation is the greatest nation in the world. What the Nazis used to call the conquering master race. Blessed are the peacemakers. Why, for they shall we call the children of God. Second Corinthians five says, Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he’s a new creature. Old things are passed away, behold, new things have come. Now all these things are from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ in gay The ministry of reconciliation, namely that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against him. He was committed to us the word of reconciliation. Therefore, we’re ambassadors for Christ is no God, we’re making an appeal through us. So we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. Well, that’s what God was doing in Christ. He was making peace between man and God. And he did that by sending his son to the cross. to reconcile means to restore to friendship or harmony, the harmony and friendship had been broken in the garden, man was now a sinful man. And that has been passed along from generation to generation. So sin entered the heart of man, and it broke fellowship with God. It means to settle a resolve to cause to submit or accept something that is unpleasant. You know, God, if you’re given God permission to put anything in, or take anything out of your life, if whatever he wants, because when you go give God permission, you’re at peace with whatever he does. He can put anything in, he can take anything out. But you accept it, because the sovereignty of God, because you’ve decided that you own his will, not your will. That you want his glory, not your glory. So you accept it and accept means to receive something willingly, is God put anything in your life lately you didn’t want, and you received it willingly. Because God had a purpose in sending it. God had a purpose in giving you this trial, this difficulty, and you received it willingly. Or maybe you’ve been grumbling and complaining about it, and why more, and I’ve had enough. And when you get to the place of having enough, God can take you further, but you can’t get there by yourself. God can give you the power to endure, to approve off. If you approve, do something God took out of your life that you wanted, and you didn’t want to lose, but he took it. And you approved said, God, your will be done. You gave the Lord gives a load Lord takes away blessed it’d be the name of the Lord. See, that’s the kingdom of God came to establish in your heart in mind. It’s not just a numbers kingdom. It’s a personal kingdom that established in our hearts and our lives. It makes us different people of any man’s in Christ. He’s a new creature. He’s not the same guy anymore. He’s been born of a new spirit. He’s a member of a new kingdom. And that’s the kingdom of God that’s born in our hearts. It means to endure without protest or reaction. I hear a lot of protests going on today. And we talked and Bill mentioned and we prayed about it this morning, our prayer time, about our freedoms. We’ve had a great run in America freedoms, almost to the point where being intoxicated by it,

Unknown Speaker 18:19
and we had to fight for those freedoms. And we’ve been given inalienable rights. But there’s never been a democracy or a form of democracy that’s been able to last. They come and they go, countries come and go, civilizations come and go. And we’ve been given a great run, the greatest run of any country, a nation is that ever is been known in the history of the world. But we see those things slipping away those things we fought for and bled for on battlefields. We start taking them for granted, we start thinking that we have rights. And we have to be reminded that any fool can claim his rights in any Dame and make sure he gets some rights or privileges are they really rights. And we’re fighting in courts, and we’re fighting the battle to try to maintain our rights and our freedoms, and that’s a good fight. It’s not the best fight. But it’s a fight worth fighting. But we have to fight him with spiritual weapons when we know Christ. So we fight a good fight. And the good fight is a fight of mercy and being pure of heart and being a peacemaker. And learning what it means to make peace. make peace with reality. That’s one of my favorite phrases. Because the reality is, we’re winning some battles, but the wars looking difficult. We may not win this war, we may be able to preserve our rights in our Constitution and our freedoms. But as Bill was saying, No man can take away my freedom. I have freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to carry a gun, if I want to find get through all the licensing you got to go through today. We have a lot of freedoms. But those freedoms can be taken away, but they can never take away my freedom in Christ, the truth that sets me free. And when that man crawl through his own blood to kiss a fee to the torture that had caused him to believe that was freedom. When you turn the other cheek and go the second mile, that’s freedom. When you bless those who persecute you, you’re a free man. What do you free from you’re free from bitterness and anger and resentment. You’re not so sensitive, you’re not so easily offended. You have a tender heart and a tough skin, rather than the other way around. You can be a peacemaker, you can be a peacemaker has to be, make sure he’s got all things settled with the Prince of Peace. You can’t be a peacemaker, if you don’t know the Prince of Peace. Or you can have a little peace and you got peace here and there. But you can’t have that peace that surpasses all comprehension. Unless you’re full of the Prince of Peace, unless he’s feeling your heart, and doing what only He can do in your heart. And as I said earlier, he takes a fight out of you, sometimes, and we’ve talked about grace in truth. Jesus didn’t come just full of grace. He didn’t come just full of truth. He came full of grace and truth. You’ll never be a peacemaker, if all you have is grace. Because if you’re if all you have is grace, but you don’t have truth, people going to run over you. It’ll cause this. You to be upset with each other. If all you have is truth, people will run away from you because you’re hammering them with the truth, even to the point of maybe being legalistic and hard and hard taskmaster, if you will. And the only way that we’re going to be peacemakers in that regard is we have grace and truth that we can exercise truth, but we do it with grace, or we can exercise grace, but we do it with truth. And I found in my life that I can have grace, without truth. And I can have truth without grace. But I cannot have grace and truth without the Holy Spirit. He’s only he can balance grace and truth. Only he can give me the grace, I need to deal with the people I have to deal with and the issues I have to deal with. But I want to deal with you with grace. But there has to be truth that comes in with the grace, the truth of what’s going on here. What’s like, what’s God trying to do in my life? What’s he trying to do in your life? What’s he trying to teach us through these challenges that we’re facing. And so he came to establish in our hearts. Something that softens the heart heart. That’s what peace makers have.

Unknown Speaker 23:14
Their heart has been softened. It quiets the trouble. So it makes us sensitive to the needs of others. And makes you forget about yourself. That’s what peacemakers have to do. You have to come to the place where I’m crucified with Christ. It’s not about me. You have to make peace with those things that are realities in life that life is hard. You’ll never be a peacemaker. If you think you’re everything is supposed to be easy. Everything’s supposed to be come your way. You’re not supposed to have any pain, any difficulty, any disappointments, you’ll never be a peacemaker. If you don’t know that, in a fallen world, life is hard you go you will have tribulation, you accept that. You understand that? You can be at peace with that. And then you understand that life is not about you. And I’ve told you many times when we found out we had a brain tumor.

Pete McKenzie 24:13
And God said it’s not about you. This is about me and my glory. It’s about you.

Unknown Speaker 24:20
showing people how to respond and make it your finest hour. So it’s not about you and Susan, it felt like it was about steel feels like it was about it sometimes about me and Susan. But God said it’s not about you guys, it’s about my glory. It’s like he used Jesus to bring glory to himself. He emptied himself and took the form of a bondservant being made in the likeness of a man. And he used him to glorify himself by hanging out across to settle things between God and man to make a pathway to freedom and peace in life everlasting. And then you got to Understand you’re not in control. You’ll never be a peacemaker. If you think you got to control everything. And some people are control freaks as we call them. But only the Holy Spirit can control us in a way that brings peace. And you want to be controlled to a place of peace, but to be controlled to a place of peace, you have to give up control. You have to say, Lord, not my will, but your will be done. Not my way, but your way. For he said in Psalm 55, I mean, as a 55, he said, My ways are not your ways. My thoughts are not your thoughts. You need my thoughts in my ways. You need to be in my word, to get to get my thoughts you need to be in my presence, be in my presence, you need to be in my word, to be in my word, you need to be in prayer, and a man of prayer. That’s where it all comes from. Now I’m reminding you of the saints, because they’re not things you haven’t heard before. The things we need to be reminded of the things that we need to shape up, be said, Get it out of low gear, spiritually, these are things we have to deal with, and you’ll never going to be a missionary for Christ’s ambassador for Christ, a representative of Christ. You’re never gonna see that happen if you’re not making peace with these realities. And then finally, the last reality is I’m gonna die. I have a shelf life. God’s got a book and everything’s written in it, and I had a birthdate and I’ve got a death date. I don’t know the death date needed to you. But it’s coming. And so I make peace with that reality. I’m not going to be here forever. I need to live my life a legacy. I need to live my life in such a way that people will see my good works and glorify the Father in heaven. That’s what Jesus said right after the Beatitudes. soon as he got to the Beatitudes, he said, You’re the light of the world. Let your light shine in such a way that you people will see your good works and glorify You know, not glorify you. That’s what we think. But glorify your Father in heaven. That’s why you live your life. So you make every decision is this going to glorify God or glorify me? What are my motives? What do I my Why am I doing what I’m doing? Whose glory Am I seeking? Whose honor am I? seeking?

Pete McKenzie 27:31
Whose good am I seeking? Matthew five, you’ve heard it said you’ll love your neighbor and hate your enemy.

Unknown Speaker 27:42
But let me tell you what I say. Love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you. So that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. For he causes the sun to rise on the evil and the good in sins, rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. For if you love someone who loves you, what reward do you have? Do not even tax collectors do that? If you agree it only your brothers. What do you do more than others? Do not even Gentiles do the same. He’s called us in a new kingdom to a new lifestyle. And that lifestyle is to love those who don’t love you. To bless those who wish you well. To help them, serve them. honored man, because they’re children of God in their last in there. Don’t know what they’re doing. Father, forgive them. They don’t know what they’re doing. You see them differently. You want to be a blessing. The judgment in the vengefulness in the disruption doesn’t mean you love what they do. But you love them. You’ve been like them. You were there yourself. How can Jesus forgive a man that owes him 10,000 in his in his parable, and then not forget, and then he goes out and doesn’t forgive the god owes him $10 we’ve been forgiven everything. And God expects us to be forgiving and peacemakers. He expects us to make peace with people. Maybe they won’t be peaceful with us, but we can be peaceful with them. We can be at peace with them. And it really affects us physically. When you’re not at peace with others. When you’re dis peace. When you’re anxious. You’re angry, you’re bitter, you’re resentful. It affects your body, it tears you down. Most of our problems are stress related anger related most of our physical problems and relational problems. It just tears your body down yeah starts having problems your nervous system, your immune system, it always starts disintegrating because you’re not healthy inside. There’s stress on all the nerves in the blood vessels and and they start breaking down and we have all the illnesses, then you’re gonna have illness if you the greatest masterpiece. But you’re gonna have more illness, you’re gonna have more broken relationships, broken bodies, if you haven’t made peace with reality, and that peace with reality, as God has called us, to be peacemakers, to be merciful. God has given us the privilege of being pure at heart. But we got all these wars and rumors of wars. And that’s the days that we’re living in. In Matthew 24. We they say, what would be the signs of your coming? He said, Well, there’s gonna be wars and rumors of war. Well, there’s always been wars and rumors, ever since the Garden of Eden. But there’s going to be more wars, the whole world would be at war. And that’s what we see unfolding before our very eyes. You look in any direction. And allies, they’re not going to be allies anymore, they’re going to be enemies. And we’ll be enemies of each other, will be like swarms of ants, fire ants fighting each other, running in all directions, chaos, disruption, law and order breaking down. We see that happening every day in our country. And so it was prophesied that when you’re not going to be a peacemaker, these are the things that are gonna happen. And the world will not be at peace. But you can be the world not the world is going to steal your freedoms, but you can still be free. These things don’t last, the grass withers, the flower fades, but the Word of God lasts forever. We got to give ourselves to things in eternal, we got to fight our battles with with weapons that are spiritual. And that’s a hard thing for a carnal, worldly, cultural Christian. He can’t fight battles with spiritual weapons, he’s still using worldly weapons to fight the battles. And he can’t win them. He’ll win a few but lose the war. And so God has called us to a kingdom that requires the sayings. But if you’re going to be a peacemaker, you got to view every situation in light of the gospel. In other words, how can I take this circumstance, this relationship and give glory to God?

Unknown Speaker 32:39
How do I see every circumstance, every trial, every difficulty, everything God puts in and takes out in light of the gospel, I can see them as attacks of the enemy, or I can see them as opportunities to glorify Christ. It’s my choice. The Evil One will always point to you to yourself. When we have relational problems, and you’re not a peacemaker, you always hear a voice that says, What about you? What about your fairness, they can’t treat you like that. If you let them get away with that, they’ll just keep doing it to you. So you have to stand up for your rights, you have to fight for yourself, you can’t let them take advantage of you. They’ll just run over you. What about you? The enemy always does that someone says something. You can’t take that they can’t get away with that. That’s not right. That’s not just that’s not fair. You’ll always appeal your right to yourself, your protection of yourself. And that’s why Paul said, I’m crucified with Christ crucified to set myself on the cross. I have a tender heart and a tough skin. I don’t see I don’t listen to attacks and neglect and people treating me the way they treat me. Maybe I brought it on myself. Maybe they treated me like that. Because something I’ve done something, I’m doing something, I’m not learning something, I won’t learn something I won’t put up with it. And being treated that way. Maybe you grew up having to fight for yourself. You had to fight for everything you got. And maybe you learn some character in that. But maybe you learned some disk character and then maybe you learned it taken up for yourself and fighting your battles with all rights and privileges and things that you have is not working. And you come to a place where you have to see everything and right in light of the gospel. Then you have to learn to speak and not speak. There’s a lot of things we say, come out of our heart. And sometimes you can listen to a guy and listen to a guy and then all of a sudden you see his real heart his real motives, what he’s really like and if And you’ll always reveal that it just takes some circumstance, some trial, some attack, some humiliation, and you see what a guy’s really like. And usually what he’s really like comes out of his mouth. James dealt with that in James three. He said, For we all stumble in many ways, if anyone does not stumble in what he says he’s a perfect man, able to bridle the whole body as well. So also the tongue is a small part of the body. And yet it boasts of great things. Car great forests is set a flame by such a small fire. And the tongue is a fire. The very world of iniquity the tongue is set among our members is that which defiles the entire body and sets fire to the course of our life, and is set on fire by hell itself. But no one contained the top. It’s a recipe for evil. It’s full of deadly poison. With it, we bless our Lord and father and with it we curse men, who have been made in the likeness of God for the same mouth comes both blessing and cursing. My brother saw this is not the way it ought to be. Surely this is not right. And so this is why we need to be pure in heart because if our heart in pure if it’s impure, if it’s full of bitterness, and anger and resentment and easily hurt and offended, it’s going to come out of our mouth. We want to hurt them the way that they’ve heard us. We want to say things to them that later we wish we hadn’t said and it’s easier to keep quiet than the makeup for what’s been said because they don’t tend to forget it. It goes in there resentment bank, they bring it up a lot. You hurt me. You never made it right. Remember when you said and we all have that in our lives, sin, our marriages, our children, sin, personal relationships. And so we have to fight that with all that we’ve got. We have to keep our heart pure. If we’re going to be peacemakers, peacemakers speak peace. They speak encouraging words into people’s lives. They don’t give tit for tat. They don’t have to out Why’s the guy be clever, more clever than him or say something that’s put down or sarcastic? That hurts.

Unknown Speaker 37:33
And they don’t forget it. They get wounded. And those wounds are hard to heal. Because to have that wound healed you have to be because you’re going to have those wounds and I’m going to have them in the not be wounded beyond repair and there are some get wounded beyond repair. They get hard hearted they get unforgiving. They get unmerciful because they haven’t been through the process. And so those are the things that we have to if we’re going to be peacemakers you have to get out of your way and look for a means in a method of making peace.

Pete McKenzie 38:11
I remember Dr. Modi’s preaching revival service. He was telling this story in England. And he got a week long service and every night there was this

Unknown Speaker 38:22
older gentleman big, stout, big mustache, white hair, big teeth, and he was smiling every night he had a different look on his face every night during the revival. And so the Modi toward the end of the week, went down to meet the guy and found out what his story was, was it such a big smile was such peace on your face. He said, What’s your story? He says, Well, I was in the army. I was a staff sergeant in India, stationed in India. They sent a young man in there, our patern he came into our barracks. And the first thing I realized about him the first night he was there, he was on his knees by his bed praying, and so we used to make fun of him. We’d make him do hard things and would give him tough jobs. Because we wanted to humiliate him, we want to humble him. We want him to quit pray and be on his knees by his bed at night. One night, he said I was out with the guys at the non comms bar. And we got drunk and we were having fun and I came smashed into the mud into the barracks. And when I got to my barracks, I was drunk because I could be but there was a young man on his knees praying by his bunk. He said, so I went over not kicked him in the ribs, and then I hit him upside the head and I left him in a little pool of blood on the floor, and I fell into my bunk and I passed out. He said, I woke up the next morning with a hangover and swung my legs over the bunk and I had my face in my hands and I looked down at my old muddy boots and they were spit shine. didn’t look like brand new. And I wondered what had happened. And I realized that young man had pulled himself off the floor and clean my boots and shined him. And I knew whatever that young man had I needed, and I came to Christ. Now I’ve been a different man’s ever since. So your pacemaker might finds a way. That’s what turning the other cheek and go in the second mile is all about, it’s finding a way to make peace between God and men and men and men. And we are ambassadors for Christ, we represent him. And we’re supposed to bring peace between us and others, in between God and others. And we’ve been given that ministry of reconciliation, of bringing harmony between man and God and man, us and man. But the best ways to make peace is pull yourself up out the floor and shine their boots. But I find most men don’t have that kind of character. Most professing Christian men are not willing to do that. It’s not their natural response. Their natural response is to claim our rights is to say you can’t treat me that way, I have to go and report them to the lieutenant, the captain platoon leader, instead of shining their boots, instead of being a servant, instead of dying to your rights, which has to happen if you’re going to be a peacemaker. Now, to close our thoughts on this, a lot of us have people in our lives, that we’re not at peace with people that we’ve heard and people that have heard us. And God would say, Go make peace. do all you can to be a peacemaker. If you need to ask forgiveness, go and ask forgiveness. If you need to make restitution, go and make restitution, and make it right. Be at peace with all men. They may not give you forgiveness, they may not want to make peace, they may not respond well. You do it anyway. And don’t expect a good response. If you get a good response. And many will who do this, then you made peace with your brother. And that’s what God has called us to be. If you go to the altar, and you show your brother has something against you go and make peace with him, and then come and offer your offering. And that’s a hard thing. And that’s why CS Lewis says if you’re looking for a religion that will make you comfortable, I don’t suggest Christianity make you uncomfortable. you’re uncomfortable with me saying this, you’re thinking of people in your life right now that have hurt you. You need to forgive them in your heart, if no other way, maybe they died, then you can’t talk to them. But you forgive them in your heart.

Unknown Speaker 42:55
And maybe they’re still around. I know brothers who haven’t talked in over 10 years.

Unknown Speaker 43:03
They had a falling out. And I’m trying to be a peacemaker between them. But it’s not working at this point. They’re unforgiving. They’re hurt. It turns into bitterness in and then separation and loneliness. That’s what the devil always does. And we have to shake free from him and be be God’s peacemakers in our own personal lives. And then as ambassadors for Christ, sharing the gospel with people and using words if necessary, crawl through the blood, shine the boots, forgive, they could do a bad deed you followed up with a good day. Yep, that guy in front of you be successful. You’ve been taken advantage of help him be successful. encourage him. That’s a new kingdom living. That’s what Jesus lived on the in demonstrated on the cross. And if we can’t do that, don’t call yourself a disciple of Jesus Christ. You’re hurting his reputation. Don’t have all kinds of broken relationships in your life, that you’re not doing everything you can do to make them right. God’s called us up higher. That’s what the Beatitudes is all about. This is a new kingdom living. This is a new character and attitude. This is a new lifestyle. And God’s calling you to that. He’s calling me to that. And there’s never been a better time in the history of this country or maybe the world where pacemakers are more needed. peacemakers, in marriages, peacemakers in businesses, peacemakers who have been having their rights and their privileges in their constitutional freedoms taken away. How are we going to respond? Oh, we got to claim our constitutional rights. We can do that. And There’s nothing necessarily wrong and doing that but that’s not the weapons are gonna win God’s war. weapons or when God’s war shining boots, forgiving go into second mile blessing those who persecute you praying for your enemies. Let’s pray right now that God would give us that heart. And Father, we do pray we thank you for being the God who hung on a cross and gave us the freedom and the power not only to receive what you’ve given us that become what you’ve given us, that we could be peacemakers in the world today. There we go and leave our gift at the altar and make peace wherever peace needs to be. But first you have to settle it in our hearts. We have to be peacemakers. We have to receive the peace you’ve given us in our freedom. To be Christians today, they’ll be forgiven, be given the Holy Spirit, the Word of God, the fellowship of the brethren. And then you’ve given us the ministry of reconciliation help us do that today. Help us glorify you help us data ourselves in a way that we live for Your glory and for others. And then one day we’ll hear you say well done good and faithful servant and will give you all the glory through all eternity because you are worthy and you’re able and we do that in Jesus name And all God’s men said Amen. Give them heaven guys