Transcript 7/21/2021

Pete McKenzie 0:09
But I think before I turn the mic over to him, we need to sing happy birthday. He’s 40 years old today. Now for 40 uS 40 used to be pretty old. But this group makes it pretty young. So he’s just a young man and let’s sing happy birthday to feel this morning. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday.

Unknown Speaker 0:43

Unknown Speaker 0:44

Phil 0:47
Thank you.

Pete McKenzie 0:48
Now for those of you who don’t know Phil Phil’s been a firefighter for 1515 years he’s got a beautiful wife Katie and two young daughters and one of them I just found out has COVID and she got it at Camp when she was there but it was worth it. I think she had a great time at camp at Hume lake and and all that but field has been around our ministry for years we’ve been meeting together and I’m fanning his flame. My life mission statement is coming along next to a guy like field and fan his flame and chokin his dust. Thanks for choking me on your desk.

Phil 1:22
Not even close. Thanks, Pete. Yeah, I’d love to thank you. If I’ll need that. Good morning, guys. That was super embarrassing. A totally asked specifically not to sing happy birthday to me. I should have I should have known that there was no way. Yeah. But what a birthday present. I’m stoked to be here. This is awesome. It’s a beautiful day. We’re all alive. We’re breathing God’s air. Amen. Let’s have a prayer. And then I’ll dive into what I was gonna talk to you guys about. Lord, thank you. It’s an honor to serve you. It’s an honor to be a part of this story. I’m humbled. We are humbled God that you would be the awesome powerful God of all the universe that you are. And you chose to design this whole story this whole life that and actually include us in what you’re doing and come near to us and be our friend and be our our leader of your Lord and interact with our small, little, seemingly insignificant lives. They’re significant to you, God, it’s it’s humbling just to be in your presence this morning. To be able to shout your name, Lord, it’s just, it’s just a blessing. And so thank you for this time. God, I pray that that, that, who that I would minimize, Lord, that I would become small that you would become great in this room right now that your spirit would fill this place. Lord, we want to hear from you. We want to hear what you have for us this morning. And we want to see all this through your eyes, Lord, so So would you bless this time with us in Jesus name? Amen. All right, guys. Let’s see what I can do here. Everybody, everybody feeling good? sound good. This morning was that was awesome worship. Thank you guys that like inspired me. I couldn’t ask for a better birthday present than getting to do that this morning. 20 years ago, I was I was lost and a mess. Now I’m found in a mess, which is the only difference. But it’s special to me, you know, I turned 40. So first 40s out of the way. But really this last 20 years is my my story of walking with the Lord really because my story began 20 years ago, this this coming October, really September 11. Like Pete said, I’ve been a firefighter for 15 years as my department married for 17 years now. And you know, just the look back at the amount of the amount of ministry amount of things that God’s done through my life is when I look back and kind of count it all it’s staggering and I just am humbled by it. I’m not worthy. But it’s it’s a blessing to be an elder at my church leading the spiritual leadership training for the last five years at our church heading up, that’s an eight week course that’s a robust dive into God’s word. And, you know, hundreds of people have come through that thing. And that’s humbling, you know, I’ve facilitated six different trips over to Israel. You guys have probably seen me up here before talking about leading these totally serving tours to Israel or bless the Israeli people. And that’s crazy. I’m like this blue collar firefighter doing these international missions and leading all these different ministry things, leading the men serving at my church.

Unknown Speaker 4:42
You know, the teaching the kids for a number of years, getting to teach in a number of different places. So and I I’m not looking for these things, I’m just following you know, and, and going where I feel God calls me and doing my best to steward in those places and it’s just been amazing to Looking back at this time, but really, like I said, 20 years ago, my story really started I wanted to share, kind of First of all, before we dive into the the message on spiritual leadership, and what we’re, what that means to me and how I have kind of discern what God says about that, just share a little bit of my like my story, my testimony, because I think you guys will find it interesting. And it’s, it’s a blessing. And it’s God’s story from my life, ground zero in New York. So right after September 11, you know, that that whole thing, just like everybody captivated me, what had happened there. And I was definitely lost at the time. It wasn’t anywhere near God. But I was so drawn to that tragedy that I needed to go, I felt like I needed to go there. And I ended up buying a plane ticket and going over there and, and just seeing if I could help ended, I ended up being a volunteer at Ground Zero. And I served there for nine days, working with the Salvation Army driving a forklift. That’s what I kind of decided at the time. But But the moment that I got there, right, as I’m walking through downtown Manhattan, the Holy Spirit was just waiting for me. And it was it was incredible, because up to that point, you know, I didn’t know His voice. I didn’t know his his presence. So I hadn’t seen how he had coordinated every single thing that had gone. The way it went to get me there. But suddenly, I’m standing there in the middle of New York. And right as I write, as I see the the rubble in the, in the beginning of the pile, across the street from me, right before that, I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit. And I still tremble when I talk about it. And I still get emotional when I talk about it. Yeah, well, I always will, every time because it shook me. And the first 20 years were hard, you know what I mean. And in that moment, he just cleaned a lot of things out. And it was crazy. And I and I stood there with my head down. And I just started to just all kinds of fluids were just falling out of my face under the ground below. And I tried to figure out how long I was there for I think I was standing there for like, probably 30 minutes, just crying out whatever that first 20 years was, and just being ministered to, by the Holy Spirit. That’s how I would describe it. And the way he wrapped that up was this vision of a lion that snapped me out of it, it was an intimidating lion, not like he was about to attack me. But when you are in the presence of a lion, you would feel that weight, and it woke me up kind of snapped me out of it. And I had new mission, I had new purpose. And he showed me that the my heart to serve had brought me this far. But he was actually the one bringing me here. And we had work to do. And I set out on a mission. And I mean, my whole life changed at that at that moment. And I began to go around and try to help with the tragedy and found myself at the Salvation Army. And since then, it’s been this continued Holy Spirit interactions that for the last 20 years, I could describe time and time again. I’ve just, once I once I learned what his presence felt like. And it was just my heart was seeking more, right? That’s what you want to know, like, where are you? And how do I go there? Where are you leading me? And how do I follow you? You are You are everything to me. And it’s been I mean, it’s been a rocky road. It wasn’t like, okay, they’re 20 years now I’m sin free. And I’m floating around in the cloud for everybody to just observe me going by like, believe me, it’s, like I said, I was a lost mess. 20 years ago, and now I’m just a found mess. But

Unknown Speaker 8:32
the Holy Spirit is so alive and so real and such a part of our everyday life. He’s so available to us. And that that leads to spiritual leadership. And I’m gonna just so you guys know, I’m going to touch from john 16x. One, Romans eight, and then a bunch of places in Matthew, you all read them, I’ll pull the points that I want, that I’m going to use but if you want to open any of those, john 16x, one, Romans eight, and then I’ll go through some places in Matthew, but the whole the whole point of our life as a Christian man is to figure out it’s trying to figure out what God wants from us try to try to we are only question I believe, should be God, am I where you want me to be? Right? Not God, go do this thing. God make this thing happen. Prayers are welcome. God wants to hear your the desires of your heart. secret’s out, he already knows them. You know what I mean? But But the purpose of all of us should be in my way you want me to be Am I doing what you would have me be doing right now? That’s just all we want to wonder. And one thing I’ve learned about his voice that I wanted to share today, because I know it’s not it’s not that simple. You don’t just, you know, whenever you’re talking to a new believer, right? They’re like, What do you mean, you hear God talk? Like, do you hear him audibly speak in your ear? And some might say yes, I feel like that’s a little strange, but it might happen. You might hear that audible voice. I’ve never heard his audible voice the best way I could describe the Holy Spirit. speaking to you as though is the same way, if bill were if I saw bill work was going in a direction, and I saw that it was it was the wrong direction. And I realized that he should go in this direction. And I would come alongside him and quietly tell him bill, actually, this is the right way. I have the tool of my voice to communicate that but after I’ve said that, it he knows now the direction that I’m guiding him. God does that without that without the language, spirit to spirit, he puts it on your heart. So you he will direct you. That’s his voice. You know, he’s there when you you know what he’s saying you can you can see the get the way that he’s going the same way I would use it. But I have to use the tool of speaking, which is clumsy at best. But the Holy Spirit has access to your heart once you’ve accepted Jesus. And if you’re looking for Him, He will speak he will not shout, He will guide you. And that’s the best way to describe that, that God told me. God showed me where to go. He put it on my heart, you know, so he, so he speaks, that’s the way I would that’s the best way I could describe with limited human words, what it’s like to hear God’s voice, amen. Jesus, it’s a very normal thing. It’s a very normal part of Christianity to be following the spirit. Right. And I think sometimes we forget that he’s always available. And we should be walking in the Spirit. Jesus said, when he was leaving, it is to your advantage that I go, which would would shock those words coming out of your Lord and Savior, his mouth like what do you mean? They’re, they’re suffering enough to have been through those the time that they’re watching him suffer, rather, what do you mean, it’s your benefit that you get to my benefit that you go, because if I go, I will send the Holy Spirit. Right, john 16 seven later in verse 13, He will guide you into all the truth.

Unknown Speaker 11:49
He will guide you into all the truth, I’m sending you a holy spirit that will be all over the world will be accessible for all of you. Because you’ve accepted me into your heart, He will guide you. That’s what’s going to go on. Right in x one a, you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you these are, these are this is God’s word here. Paul teaches that the we should not walk here we’re in Romans eight. Now, three and four, pretty much three through six here, do not walk according to the flesh, but walk according to the Holy Spirit. Set your minds on things of the Spirit, to set the mind on things of the Spirit is life and peace, He will guide you into all truth. walking in the Spirit leads you to life and peace. Right. And it even says in verse eight that literally if you’re not doing that you are hostile to God. Right, you could be outside of you could be have all the knowledge of the Bible and, and you could be just the AQI you can quote every scripture you want. But if you’re not walking in the Spirit, if you’re not in peace and truth and love, literally, there’s a dynamic that you could be actually hostile to God. And all you want to do is be a man of God. That’s what you want to do every day, right. But if you’re not walking in the Spirit, you’re actually in a really dangerous place. So it’s very important. It’s not just a simple like, kind of maybe you should try this. It’s literally part of what our walk should be. So that brings us to spiritual leadership, this concept of spiritual leadership. It’s, it’s, it’s kind of simple, not easy right to be walking around dealing with this crazy world out here. And the sort of darkness that we’re facing, but be spiritual, that have that spirituality about you that can’t which comes with confidence in God knowing that things are under control, his control, and trusting that the Holy Spirit will guide you and looking for him and following even into the hard spots, even into the tough conversations, even talking to people that see things different as you that leadership, simple, not easy. And the ultimate example is obviously Jesus. Obviously, he was the best example of this. He lived a life as a man for the purpose of showing us how to be a man. If nothing else, he came to pay the ultimate price for our sacrifice. That’s the gospel. Amen. But in his time, every single move that he make is a move that we should study and learn and try to emulate. And he was the ultimate example spiritual leadership. So Jesus as a leader, I got four points. He was a servant leader. That’s a term that we should all just resonate with servant leader. He was humble and lowly, which is a total counter narrative to the leaders we see in the world, humble and lowly. He said, know God’s word, know God’s word, and he was a man of prayer. servant leader, he was humble and lowly, know God’s word and pray always regarding servant leader Matthew 2025 to 28. You know that the rulers of the world, lord it over them, and those in high positions act as tyrants over them. It must Not be like that among you, just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many Lord of all the earth, God of the universe, if you can we just sit and imagine the size of the universe that he created it all. He’s bigger than that beyond we could we could possibly fathom. And he’s sitting there saying, if I came to be a servant, I’m saying that’s the plan for you to servant leadership. As far as being humble and lowly, Chapter 11, of Matthew 2030, come to me, all of you, who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke and learn for me because I am lowly and humble in heart, and you will find a rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. Jesus was a man who was not trying to beat guys up with what he believed his message was. Come to me. And when you get here, just so you know, you’re going to find rest. It’s going to feel peaceful, you are loved. I am humble, I am lowly. We will get through the rest of this together. Come to me humble and lowly. No God’s word. I mean, how many points? Do we see Jesus using scripture 20, to 30 scripture quotes that I can count of moments where Jesus used God’s Word to, to challenge the religious leaders of the time.

Unknown Speaker 16:38
When the devil attempted and what did he say? It is written, that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God. Right? Think of Jesus, even as a child, that one glimpse we have of Jesus in His childhood years where they lost him. Parents are the year they go back. There was our kids. It’s been three days. Has anybody seen our kid, the Savior of the world? Let’s go find him. And we lost the Savior of the world. And they go back and they find it What was he doing? marveling the teachers in the temple? Right? He’s sitting there just schooling him. I mean, God’s word is could not be more important. Now. We live in a day and age where for the last few 100 years, we’ve got it all bound up in a nice little one place one stop shop Bible. You know, this wasn’t the case, then it was oral tradition. You had to know it here and here and study it constantly and recite it. We have the benefit even even more. Forget the paperback copy. We’ve got it digital. I mean, we’re thumbing through the highlight that I mean, just eating up scripture, my thumb. God’s word is so important. And Jesus demonstrated that time and time again. And and we can’t really go past talking about God’s Word and His commandments without the moment when Jesus said the two greatest commandments. Love God with everything you can muster. All your heart strength, soul, mind, spirit, everything you could possibly do that is the greatest and most important command if you do nothing else, love and worship the God of all the universe. And the second is like it, which is Love your neighbor as you love yourself, right? Can’t can’t overstate it can’t review that too many times. It’s the it’s the two greatest commandments. Jesus said that. So as far as God’s word goes, study irregularly and never forget those two things. Pray always, Jesus was a man of prayer. Time and time again, he would retreat to a place of solitude to pray. Right. And he, I believe he did that. It for the most part, for our benefit to train us of what to do. Because I mean, I know you guys are experiencing it. I mean, my job’s crazy. My life is crazy. My day in day out is an up and down challenge. I’m getting hit left and right with something else that wants to send me sideways all the time. And I mean, all you got to do is turn on the news. If you’re bored, and you’re not really feeling that sort of turmoil, just turn on the TV, and you’re going to start getting slapped around in different ways with temptation to be angry, to be fed up with this world to hate the people that are doing things. And our wars, not against flesh and blood. It’s against the spiritual principalities behind it. But it’s so easy to forget that. But prayer is where we go, right? we withdraw, Lord, help me see this, through your eyes helped me, help me look at this whole thing, because I’m lost. Again, I am not feeling like I want to go be a part of saving any of these people that are that are in this place that are doing this things to my nation, to my world, to my community, to my schools. I get it. You and I are on the same page with many of those things. But we got to restore back to that place of the Great Commission, which is make disciples of all nations which is bring the gospel to the world. And there’s that barrier of like, but those people suck, I don’t want to. I don’t want to do that. But that’s where at prayer, we remember that suffering is a part of it. And challenges will come. And again, if we’re walking in the Spirit, like Pete says, He always teaches, the spirit will keep you in a bubble. And I love that illustration. You’re looking around and you see the bombs going off. And you can see the attacks coming, but none of them are actually reaching you. You’re not being hurt, you’re in the middle of the battle, but you’re just in like this bubble, because you’re in the spirit. I’ve experienced that time and time again, where I’m seeing attacks come, and I’m seeing all these things that are happening. And I’m just just walking in faith and knowing that the Lord is doing stuff, I know you’re working, I know you’re working, this looks awful. But I know you’re working. I’m in a spirit, I can. And I can see him leading. And so I continue on. And you’re in that bubble, right. But that’s how that all comes from a prayer life. You gotta you got to know your Shepherd’s Voice, by talking to them by listening to him. And then then you will come to know your voice, right. And there’s countless parts of scripture where we see him where we read that Jesus demonstrated that, that alone time with God, to be able to get back back into the mission. And the mission is is in the world we are to be in the world, not of the world, and the world needs spiritual leaders, right now more than anything else. There’s a book that we use in leadership training

Unknown Speaker 21:20
that we use at our church. And it’s called principles of spiritual leadership by Jay Oswald Sanders. Has anybody read that book? principles of spiritual leadership? You guys should read that book. It’s amazing. It’s It’s crazy how it was written so many decades ago, but like, you read it, and it’s like, oh, this is exactly what we need to hear right now. It’s soaked with Scripture, and it’s totally of the Lord. But I just, I put together like a little paraphrased quote from chapter 10, that I’ll just read you check this out. So this is what I believe this is this is what I think is important. today. spiritual leadership has many essential qualities but requires spirit filled people. A guy can have a brilliant mind and possess all kinds of skill. But without spirituality, it he can’t truly provide spiritual leadership. selection of leaders for the kingdom has nothing to do with worldly values like wealth or status. It is primarily spirituality. Holy Spirit does not take control of anyone against their will either. To be filled with the Spirit means simply that as a Christian, I voluntarily surrender my life and my will to the spirit. When I do that, my personality, my mind are taken over by the Spirit, my mind, my will, my emotions, and even my physical strength, all become available to the Spirit to guide and use. Under the spirits control. natural gifts of leadership are lifted to their highest power and sanctified for holy purpose. The filling of the spirit is essential for spiritual leadership. Our task is to remain yielded to him, lead the next generation of men. Period, lead the next generation of men period. Feeling the anger at the state of the world is not enough. commiserating with each other is not enough, either. You will not feel better by only doing these things. Be the spiritual leader that the next generation who are inheriting a world far more confusing and convoluted than yours. Be the spiritual leader that that next generation needs you to be spiritual leadership leaders and family, your profession, your community, whatever you’re doing it all there is no there’s no exemptions in the in the walk that we have in the life that we lead, where spiritual leadership belongs. leaders who are repented leaders who are listening to the Holy Spirit, who are only concerned with the will of God, humble leaders, leaders who know God’s word leaders who pray, servant leaders. And so my question is, how’s that going for you guys? And that’s not really for to raise your hand answer. But how asked, I asked myself, how am I doing? How are we doing with discipleship? And I’ll be the first one to tell you and I came up here last week and shared it in my the last 20 years. That’s not been something that I’ve been super strong about. Yes, there’s been discipleship, yes, I ported other guys, and continue to but like deliberately. I’d said, God said, Go and make disciples. So brother, we put the screen up. I’m here to also to share I mentioned it last week, but this is the new initiative that we’re doing. And I wanted to come and share this as we close. I mentioned it last week, excuse me, and we had our first event and it was awesome. The next one is going to be obviously the third Thursday of next month. It’s the third Thursday of every month. And which is the 19th. Thank you August 19. But anytime you’re wondering when it is just look at the third Thursday of that month. And that’s when it’ll be and it’s called through his eyes Thursdays. What is it like it says there, it’s a monthly prayer and worship experience for men on Thursday night, uniting it together for discipleship, and boldly looking at cultural, local and national global issues. From a biblical perspective. Go to the next slide for me, brother. We call it the cross. Because when you look at the acronym, it also says the cross, come to the cross, go to the next one brother. Like I said, most critical issues are going to be preached there and for for what reason. We want to see the world through God’s eyes, obviously, and we’re being challenged all the time.

Unknown Speaker 25:45
But beyond that, and it’s it’s an outreach to the next generation. This is this is why we believe God put this here. You guys are awesome. Love, I love seeing the familiar faces who’ve been sitting in these seats for years. I love seeing the gods that I haven’t even met yet. But either way, you’ve been even sitting here listening to Pete pizza, pizza outstanding, probably the best if not one of the best teachers of God’s Word and representatives of Jesus Christ that I’ve ever met. And we get the privilege of gleaning off of him here and in Irvine. Right? But then where do we go with it? Right, it’s a river that pours into us, and it needs to pour into the next generation. So that’s been on our heart. Next slide for me. So what I’m asking you guys to, to do is explain that I go one more. This is what this is where I see you guys fitting in, I don’t expect you guys to come to the Thursday night events. But I want you to get involved with what we’re calling closer looks. And that’s the in between time, Thursday night event once a month. And then we want to provide an avenue for discipleship. So the guys that come to these events, we want them to be spurred, and and challenged and ignited and have questions and want to talk. And then I want to facilitate those guys getting to guys like you. Okay, and this is how we’re going to do it. We’re looking for one hour here and there. And it can be anywhere that works on your calendar. If it’s Friday at 10pm. The only time you have let me know, if it’s Monday morning at 5am. Let me know, I want to build a inventory of time slots, where you say, Yeah, I could talk to a guy for an hour at that time, and then we’ll use it. Okay, go to the next one. For me. We’re looking for like maybe two slots a month a to one hour times a month, where you could sit across from a younger guy, a newer, newer, newer believer, maybe somebody who’s been straight, that’s coming back, but either way, mentorship begins, discipleship begins, we could find out if they’re in a men’s group, they’re in a forum group, we can start to just come alongside them and grow the next generation, God’s gonna use all this one more for me. Here’s how it works, we’ve got to sign up, okay. And they’ll come to the event and they’ll go click, and they’ll end up at something that looks and looks something like this. And all those little time slots are you guys. This is a generic one that I built. But each one of those time slots will be whatever those whatever time you said, right, and you could say Friday at 10pm. And nobody grabs it. Right? Or some young dude could be like Friday at 10pm. Every Friday at 10pm is right when I’m feeling tempted to go out back to the strip club. I’m going to talk to this guy instead. And click and you might find yourself in an extraordinary moment ministry and you’re ministering to a guy Watching God work right through you into this guy and you never know. So you look at your calendar, you figure out when you can fit in an hour. Next slide for me. Back one. And now I get it. I love this. We’re driving by that on the fire engine and I’m like, timeout, stop back up. I need to take a picture of that. Go ahead, say zoom meeting, say zoom meeting one more time. I get it. This last year. We’re all tired of meeting with people on a little screen. Right? I get it. but hear me out here. This little screen that’s in everybody’s pocket that the devil is using for plenty of divisiveness and evil. Let’s leverage it for good let’s use it for Kingdom work right this thing is pulling on a guy every day when what should which porn should I look at? What videos on YouTube should I look at that will do nothing good for me what content should I go read? Let’s come through these screens right into a guy’s heart and get the relationship started. If you guys are more into meeting in person, I get it it can grow to that. Make it that but if you guys will just give me your your availability, and we’ll plug you in and it can start with a zoom meeting. These interactions will begin they will grow into discipleship. Imagine if you’re at your desk right before you go to lunch. You that’s your hour you say I can do 11am you can just be doing whatever you’re doing. 11 o’clock pivot from what you’re doing. Click Click pour into a guy hear him listen To his heart, figure out where he’s at pray find out what God has for you there answer questions about faith about the things we talked about on the Thursday night, whatever it is, finish up that hour or so Hey, man, let’s do this, again. You want to meet for coffee next time you could do, you can go into direction that God leads, right spiritual leadership, follow the Holy Spirit in this. And then that wraps up, click, click pivot back to what you’re doing. The ability to use this, we’re going to leverage it for the kingdom. Okay, so I get it. We’d rather meet in person, the fellowship is much better that way. But

Unknown Speaker 30:32
let’s try this out. Consider it, pray about it, turn to the Holy Spirit. Go to the next slide for me, take out your phones. I’m gonna wrap up right here, take out your phones. Take a picture of that for me. Okay. We’ll leave that up there. Take a picture of that. If you’re in and this is tugging on you, please email me at that email. And, and we’ll get started with getting you plugged into this. The next one is August 19. So between now and then, I want to get a few dozen guys if we can, there’s to just be at the ready during whatever time works for you. Okay, is that clear? So that’s the plug on the new ministry that we’re starting here at influencers. This is an influencers initiative, the message of spiritual leadership. Let’s get out there. Let’s see where the Holy Spirit is moving. And let’s follow him in that place. And we’re out of time at this at this time. I’ll see you guys that are gonna be the Malibu retreat. And we’ll pick up kind of from that point, and go deeper. show leadership. All right. Amen. Let’s have one more prayer. Father, God, thank you for this time. Thank you for this place. Thank you that we are in a nation that we can still gather and worship you and celebrate you and study your word. Father, God, we pray that that would continue on for years and years to come. But whatever the future may bring, Lord, we just want to know that we are where you want us to be. We want to love what you love. We want to hate the same things you hate. And we want to see the world through God’s eyes. You want to see the world through your eyes, Lord, show us, the world the way you see it so that we can we can move in the spirit in our daily life to others who need to know you, Lord, which is everybody and it’s in Jesus name, we pray thank you for these men. Amen.

Bill Kauble 32:08
is a great job. One of the things that I wanted to emphasize is that Phil is heavily involved in his church. And when we met when Pete and I met with Phil, and this whole idea of this initiative, I said to Phil, why are you doing it and influencers not doing it at your church? And he said, Because God’s called me to do it and influencers. This is an influencers ministry. This is I hope, and I believe is the beginning of a new aspect of our ministry. And it unites you older guys with younger guys like Wayne and then tree so I joined this week Pete my joined as support for this because it is an influencers ministry, Lord, we just come alongside this man of God. We thank you for him and his precious wife and his two precious daughters, Lord, we pray, Father could the anointing would continue. Thank you, Father, we just lift him up and lift up for us initiative by the name of the power in the blood of Jesus Christ, amen. Amen. Thank you.