Transcript 5/7/2021

Thank you. It’s good to be back.

You know, I was flying back on the plane, I asked the Lord, I said, What? What do you want me to teach when I get home. And basically, he said, you know, those five goals that bill puts up every week on the board, and you guys are starting to learn, if we put didn’t put them up, I think you can name two or three, if not more.

And he said, You need to go into those things and go deep with them. You need to talk about Jesus is Lord of your life, that God’s words a final authority in your life,

that you become an A man of prayer, that you link together with like minded men who are chasing after Christ, and you give it away. And so over the next few weeks, we’re going to be going through each one of those. And today, we’re going to talk about making Jesus Lord of your life. And what does that mean? You know, when I was

living in Germany back at 1689,

they were having a debate here in the theological world, in the church in America, and I’ll get I got to miss that debate. But when I got back, I heard about it. And the debate was is can you receive Jesus as Savior, but not Lord.

And so they were debating and like many debates and things that go on, there are good men on both sides and prophesy again. Yama, Linnaeus or post millennial is telling mom a panel.

So I’m going to pan out in the end, right.

And so they were good men on both sides of that debate. But I happened to have an opportunity to be at a retreat that Dr. J oswaal. Sanders, not chambers, but Sanders, he wrote the classic book on the subject, spiritual leadership.

And he was speaking. And

so I had the opportunity. I saw him sitting in the lobby one day, and he was sitting by himself. So I walked over and introduce myself. We were talking and I asked him the question I said, Dr. Sanders, do you think you can receive Jesus as Savior but not Lord? And he said, I did.

And he said, but it was because no one ever taught me about Jesus being Lord of my life. And when I was taught about it, and I learned about it, then I made Jesus Lord of my life.

So what does that mean? When we talk about Jesus being Lord of our life.

I was in my cousin’s house, where I stay when I go to Alabama, and they’re strong Christians. And they had a book that Franklin Graham wrote about 20 years ago. And it was called the name and it was in regard to the name of Jesus. And I read the back of the book, and sometimes when I pick up a book, I read the front inside front cover, I read the back and just see what the book is all about.

And here’s what he wrote. The name of Jesus is a lightning rod because his name represents the division of life between good and evil, God and Satan, light and darkness, righteousness and sin, heaven inhale.

The name Jesus shouts out a choice. Whom will you serve? And give your life to and depend upon. rebellious self, well, sinful people want to retain the right to themselves, what way they will take. Jesus denies that option. Speaking on his behalf, the apostle Peter said there is no other name under heaven given among men, by which we must be saved.

Jesus is gentle, but he’s not weak. He loves the sinner, but is absolutely intolerant of sin. He’s not a negotiator, He is Lord.

Yet it is this bristling truth that in Vokes intolerance towards Christians, Jesus did not say do your own thing, all roads lead to God?

That would have made Jesus politically correct.

And Jesus is not politically correct. He is Lord.

You know, CS Lewis said and see he’s a renowned British thinker and writer and one of history’s greatest defenders of the Christian faith. And he wrote this, a man who was merely a man and said the sorts of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic on the level of the man who says he’s a poached egg, or else he would be the devil of hell.

You must make a choice either

This man was and is the Son of God, or else he’s a madman or worse, you can shut him up for a fool, spit on him and kill him as a demon. Or you can fall at his feet and call him Lord, and God.

But let us not come to him with any patronizing nonsense about him being a great human teacher. He has not left, that option opened us. He did not intend to.

When you think of Jesus as Savior, and maybe you remember the time when you came to know Jesus Christ,

and it’s important that Jesus is your Savior. Because savior means well, it’s written down here savior means one that says from danger or destruction. One who bring salvation, Redeemer, deliver rescue, or do you remember when you were rescued? You remember when you were delivered from Sandy, remember the first time you realize that I’m not going to hell, I’ll get to go to heaven. And you had the assurance of going to heaven because he had saved you and forgiven your sin. If you can think of that time, and you need to be able to think of that time because I think people have a hard time with Jesus is Lord if they haven’t got Jesus as Savior first. If he hasn’t forgiven your sins, if you’re not excited about what God has done, the song that was sung up here a few minutes ago, that we all enjoyed so much. I feel good, James Brown saying a lot about that. But I don’t think it was that same issue.

But if you feel good about your salvation, if you feel good that you’re saved, if you feel good, you’re forgiven, if you feel good that you’ve been given grace, then it’s gonna be a lot easier step for you. To make Jesus Lord of your life.

lordship means this one who has supreme rank in power and authority over now, you know, As Americans, we like to be democratic, we like to have a vote, we like to have a say so. But when you come to know Jesus Christ, and any dictators like this, whether they be evil dictators, or benevolent dictators, they’re they the same thing. They want supreme control. And that’s what’s going on in our country today. It’s really not about Democrat and Republican and race issues. It’s not about all the things that divide us today. And all the problems that we’re seeing happen. It’s about power and control.

The reason that they have people running for offices they want to, and many do it with good motives. Many do it because they want to serve, but you don’t hear politicians call public servants much anymore. But it wouldn’t. It all boils down to one thing, we want to be in power, and we want to be in control. There’s nothing wrong with dictatorship, as long as you have the right dictator. When you have the wrong dictator, you’re in trouble when you got Adolf Hitler or Stalin or Mussolini or the Khmer Rouge. When they’re in power, they do nothing but kill and death and slaughter and ruin and bring doom. That’s all they can do, because that’s who they are. And that’s a god they serve. They call themselves atheists, but they’re not they believe in the God of death, and not the God of life. So let’s go on on our country today. But Jesus wants to be the supreme ranking power and authority over you and me. Do you think that’s egotistical? If you know what he hung on the cross, it couldn’t be egotistical. He didn’t do that. For ego. He did that to save us to deliver us to rescue us, to make it possible for us to be forgiven for sin and go to heaven and spend eternity with Him. He wants absolute ownership. He wants controlling influence. He’s the king of kings, and the Lord of lords. And being king of kings and Lord of lords if that in fact, who he is in your life then that deserves are being controlled by him and him having absolute ownership over us. That word absolute means outright unmitigated being totally governed by you know, when I came to know Jesus Christ, I realized that I was playing baseball so I get my picture on a baseball card and make a lot of money and impress a lot of people. And that was my motive for playing ball. But then something happened to me I had a dramatic change in my life. And that change came along with realizing that I wasn’t playing baseball for those other reasons anymore. One about ego and money and fame and baseball cards. It was about a play. That form, it was about an opportunity, opportunity to share the gospel with people because you’re an athlete, because that’s a platform that God gives you. God gives us platforms and opportunities to honor him and point people to him and teach people about him. And being a ballplayer was that for me. So I got a whole new reason for playing ball. Right now we got a lot of people leaving California and you can hardly blame them. They say you can’t find a u haul anymore u haul truck. Because they’re all in other states. I don’t know how many are coming. But there’s a lot going. So Matter of fact, I talked to a lot of people in the south and they’d be moaning the fact that we had so many people from California moving into the south and Nashville, and parts of Alabama and Tennessee, Ohio, Texas, Idaho, South Dakota, they’re moving out of here, because they’re looking at the power and control in what’s going on, especially if they have young families. And you can hardly blame them on one hand. But on the other hand, someone asked me and I’ve my ask, every time I go back to Alabama, met with some of the guys that always meet with these guys, they get together on a regular basis. And they have breakfast or lunch together. And so I met with them. And were there guys I played baseball with in basketball with in high school and a few I’m in college. And we’re reminiscing and we’re talking about thing, but one of the questions I’m almost always asked is you got to move back to Birmingham. Since Susan’s going to you’re going to move back here and I say that’s not my call. See, if Jesus is Lord of your call, you don’t just get up and move by whatever circumstances are going on, you get up and move when you if you’re in an army, and you have a general if you have a king, then you go at his bidding, you only go with His permission, he has to cut orders for you to do that. You put yourself and submit yourself to Him and surrender to his will not your own. When Susan, I now shared this with you before, but it fits in this message today. When we found out we had a brain tumor. Then God said two things to us. It’s not about you. And then the second thing is this could be the hardest thing that ever happened to you. It could be your finest hour. So we’ve got a choice. We could say this is hard. This is terrible. Why’d God let this happen? Or we could say,

God, let this happen. This is something God is doing. It’s good thing. It’s not fun. It’s going to be some heartache and suffering. But God, Jesus went through heartache and suffering and disciple is not above his master. So the heartache and suffering we were going to go through is something that came from him. So when you come to know Jesus Christ, and he’s Lord of your life, then you see everything that happens in your life is no surprise, happenstance is no things that happened that shouldn’t have happened. when these things happen in Jesus is Lord of your life. You see him in them. And you see opportunities to make it your finest hour, Jesus’s finest hour, I think was in the seminary. And it was his finest hour because he had to fight through his human humanity. And the thing I like about that series, if you’ve been watching it, the chosen. The thing I like about it is most of the movies that I’ve seen that King of kings and Lord of lords and the greatest story ever told in other movies about Jesus, he’s always the Holy Jesus risen up Jesus is always heavenly Music Playing when he’s on the screen. And sometimes they show him from behind and don’t even show his face. But in this when they show the humanity of Jesus, they show the hurt or they’re hurt, the disappointment. They show how he treats and interacts. He’s got a sense of humor. He’s real. He’s somebody you can relate to him when he was in a cemetery. He was real. When he was in the cemetery. He was a man like you and me and he was he knew he was going to the cross. So he didn’t share His deity but he also had his humanity. So he knew he was going to the cross and He didn’t want to what man would want to and he asked his father, father, would you deliver me from this cup? Take this cup from me. In three times, he asked him, and every time God said, God said, No. You have to drink this cup to the drags. And then Jesus is okay not my will but your will be done. That’s what it means. So Jesus to be Lord of your life. You give up your will your desires, your Raise your plans. If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans. They say, well, that’s what you give up. When you make Jesus Lord of your life. You make him the supreme authority, you make him the absolute ownership of your life, unmitigated, totally governed by complete, offering little chance of change or relief, you know, the thing about giving God permission to help himself to your life. And I was sharing this with a young man that wants to do a forum group in Birmingham, and I had him in the Christian school that I was principal ob and coach and different sports and things. So he was one of the guys I met with about eight of these young men that I’d had in that school. And we just had a great time, remembering all the days we had together there, and all the paddling they got from me and all the laps they ran, and the games we won and lost. But as I was sharing with them, and I had breakfast with one of them, and the next day, and I was sharing with him in the course of our sharing, I was saying, you know what it what it means in your situation, is giving God permission to help himself to your life. He wrote me a text yesterday, and he said, You know, I was thinking about what we talked about at breakfast. And it’s such a scary thought to make give God permission to help himself to your life. And I think when I say that you can identify with it, can’t you? Guys, whatever, what what was he afraid of? Was it scary to him? To give God permission, here’s the thing you need to understand about that God’s going to help himself to your life, whether you give him permission or not. We’re going to have a brain tumor, whether you’ve got it set us down and said, well, Pete and Susan, you’ve had a good life, you got a good marriage, you bear some fruit for me. You could keep living this, this life that you’re living in, it would be good. Or I could give Susan a brain tumor. And you’d go through the whole situation with that. And then she would die. And I’d bring her home and Pete, you’d be left, you get a choice. What would you like he didn’t do that. He didn’t give us a choice. And I’m glad he did. And I’d like to think I would say, Oh, yeah, let’s give her a brain tumor. But I’m not too sure, I would have said that. God gave her one anyway.

He just gave us a choice whether we would bow to His Lordship in it or not. And that’s what he gives me every time. Sometimes I bow to His Lordship, sometimes I take it in the flesh, and seriously preoccupied with me. And that’s why we don’t give God permission. We’re afraid of what he might do. And then we forget all the things that God promised us, I’ll be with you always, I’ll never leave you or forsake you. All things work together for good. So if I’m putting it in or taking it out of your life, that’s a good thing. And I can work it for good in your life. And I like you have to make me Lord to the point where you want my glory more than you want yours, your comfort, that you want to lift up my name, rather than have your name. If did did you’d rather talk about me than talk about yourself? And so when you ask Jesus, and give him permission, all that does is it prepares you for the things he puts in and takes out. If I don’t give him permission, I’m probably going to get mad and upset. How many times have you been mad and upset with God because of things he put into your life you didn’t want, or the things he took out and the losses you had. Because that’s our option. And when you don’t make Jesus Lord of your life that you You’re more likely going to be mad and upset and angry or confused and frustrated. But you don’t have to be. Because when you make Jesus Lord of your life, you see him in all things and he gives you grace. He gives you mercy. He gives you patience. He gives you understanding, he gives you wisdom. And that’s what happens when Jesus is Lord, because when Jesus is Lord, and if you look at those five things, those goals, you make Jesus Lord of your life, then you want to make when Jesus is Lord of your life, you want to make God’s word, the final authority in your life because it’s his word. And it’s his word that you’re looking for. It’s his wisdom. It’s his guidance. It’s his will, that you want in your life. But if you’ve never made him Lord of your life, you’ve probably never made God’s word, the final authority in your life. You probably never know when you’re not becoming a man of prayer. Because if you’ve not made Jesus Lord of your life, you’re going through the frustration and the anger and the confusion that happens when you don’t make him Lord. And you’re not going to be comfortable in his presence. You’re not going to want to come to the prayer meetings, you’re not going to want to have a prayer life in your own life. You’re not You don’t want to journal, you’re not going to want to do the things that nurture the Spirit of God and the abiding in Christ. If you abide in me, you’re not going to want to do that you’re not going to want to abide in him. And then if you’re not praying, you’re probably not gonna be hanging out with guys who do. The guys that are chasing after Christ. And I’ll never forget my mentor Chuck Singletary is if you find guys that love Jesus more than you and hang on their screen door, and don’t let them shake you off. Find guys that love Jesus more than you and hang out with them be with those men. But I’ll be honest with you before I really truly came to Christ, and I thought I was a Christian, I was uncomfortable around those kind of guys, I admired him, I’ll be honest with you, I admired him, I wanted to be like them. But I was also uncomfortable in their presence. They weren’t my best friends. But then when I came to know Christ, I started hanging on screen doors, I started finding guys that were growing. And I came to California with a navigators because I looked at those men, I looked at those navigators. And I saw a memorizing scripture and quoting it WordPerfect. And I just thought, Boy, that’s impressive. But I can’t memorize. I saw I’m jogging around the field and being disciplined and do exercise and go to the gym and do all that stuff. And I said, I admire that, but I’m not gonna do it. I saw I’m doing other things with their families and with their wives in the way they treated them in their the way they fathered their children. And I admired it. And I wanted to be like that. When I came to Christ, I started got to hang out with them. And so seeing those guys and what they were like, and I was invited to come on staff with the navigators, and I had to move to California to do it. And nobody in the south wants to do that. But I won my call anymore. It was God’s call. I’ve had parents that children were being recruited by mission organization hours at the time. And we were going to, they were going to go the Middle East, it’s dangerous over there. They were going to go the Amazon is dangerous down there. They were going to go to parts of the world where you don’t know what you’re going to eat, and you don’t know what the climate is going to be. And you don’t know what the political atmosphere might be and what might happen. They didn’t want their children to go.

And I had the opportunity to tell them, Well, here’s what you need to understand about missionaries about going here and going there and serving in different places and being in danger. People don’t want their people, their children to join the army because especially in more time, they could be killed. But if God is calling you to go to an Amazon or going to the Middle East, or join the army, or whatever else is dangerous and might have a threat to it. The safest place you could possibly be is in the Middle East, if that’s where God wants you to be in the end God’s Will where God wants you to be doing what God wants you to do how God wants you to do it is the safest place you could ever be. It doesn’t matter where the geography is, or if it’s comfortable or not, if it’s dangerous or not. All it matters is you’re where God called you to be. That’s what lordship means. You’re in the army, you get cut orders, you say Yes, sir. What’s the question? The answer is, Yes, Lord, what’s the question? And that’s what it means to make Jesus Lord of your life. You just wake up in the morning, say whatever you want me to do this morning, Lord, nine, do you always do it? No. They always go back and NASA go back and ask that guy to forgive you. That’s a hard thing to do sometimes, but the Holy Spirit’s nudging you to do that if Jesus is Lord of your life, you go back and ask that guy to forgive you, you mend the fences. What’s even harder is is good to forgive that guy that hurt you, that wounded you, that let you down that disappointed you that stole from you. That’s even harder. And so if Jesus is Lord of your life, you’re gonna do those things hard or not. And you learn to do those things. It’s a process of making Jesus Lord of your life. It is not a one time thing, just like salvation. It’s a one time thing. I’m saved. I know I’m saying, but now I have to grow in Christ. And I have to grow in lordship, as what discipleship is all about as what growth in Christ grow into maturity, having the character of Christ and so that’s lordship.

JOHN 15 and this relates to what we’re going through today. If you belong to the world, the world would love you as its own. In would treat you with affection. But you’re not of the world. You no longer belong to it. For I have chosen you out of the world. And because of this the world hates you. Remember, and continue to remember that I told you that a servant is not greater than his master. If they persecuted me, you can be sure they will persecute you. If they kept my word, they would keep yours also, but they will not keep my word. And they will do all these hurtful things to you for my namesake, because you bear my name. You’re identified with me. They do not know the one who sent me. Jesus was preparing his disciples for the persecution they’re going through. And in the chosen, there was a part where James was martyred. They say and I don’t know, this is probably more legend than truth. And I don’t think they know every way that every disciple died, that they basically were all martyrs. Jesus, in Dietrich Bonhoeffer put it like this, when Jesus bids a man come, he beats him come and die. Data yourself data, your plans, data, your dreams, and we’ll be alive to God’s plans and God’s dreams and God’s will. So he says, If you belong to the world, they would love you as their own and treat you with affection. But right now they’re trying to figure out ways in every communist power that ever came into power, gets rid of the church gets rid of Christians, because they want to say, not bless it be God, but bless it be the dictator. blessedly the government. They don’t want to say anything that’s going to take away from their power and their deity. They want to be God in your life. And they’re doing everything they can do to make people subject to the government now and all the financial things we’re seeing in the stimulus checks and everything that they’re using this crisis, to do it, all we need to do is understand this. We don’t need to hate them for it, we just need to understand it. It doesn’t do us any good to hate them and complain and be sarcastic and in griping about it that doesn’t do any good at all. what God wants us to do is to understand what’s going on. And he was preparing his disciples and he’s preparing us today to be ready for what’s coming. Unless he intervenes in a supernatural, powerful, unbelievable way. It’s coming. But you’re not of the world, for you no longer belong to the world. So you were called out of the world. And that’s what he says here for I have chosen you out of the world. You’re handpicked, you’re chosen. You have a job to do. You’re in a world of chaos, you’re going to be challenged, you’re going to be persecuted, you’re going to be taken advantage of your rights are going to go away. You’re going to be rationed and put under rationing. You may go to jail. It may shut you up. These things happen in every communist country that’s ever been. We don’t know what it looked like. We don’t know how long it’ll take. But that’s the direction it seems that we’re headed. Jesus was preparing him and he’s preparing men of God today that they understand that your chosen, you’re not your own. You’re bought with a price. There’s a legend of Abu Tabor. I shared it over the years a number of times. But I will Tabor it’s a legend goes. He was a young chieftain. And he had an army of about 200, there was another king in this other close territory. That was very powerful. And he added hundreds if not 1000s in his army. And so every year during the spring, it would be time to go and expand his territory and he would go and take territories away from people like whatever Tabor so he got up to the he had been taking territory after territory and adding people to his army and to his ownership. And he came to the border of Abu Taylor’s territory. And he knew the October had had a reputation for having a bunch of Green Berets, much of the Army Rangers a bunch of Navy SEALs. And he had about 200 of them. So he said, you know, rather than go in and wipe them out and kill them like we use, they do listen to an emissary and give him a chance to give up and join the army and we won’t kill him. So he sent his emissary in to see aboute Tabor. And when he found him, he said Mark King is at your border of your territory.

And he was gonna come in and wipe you out, but he decided instead to give you a chance to surrender and become part of his army. Now Batavia just looked at him, and he called one of his men over and said, took his dagger outside style, stabbed yourself with this now your dagger and he stabbed himself in the heart and failed dead at the emissary sweet He told another and jump over that cliff, they jump over the cliff without a word to his death. And he looked at that man, he says, I have 200 more men just like these two. And if you march on me, you tell your king that he’ll be chained with my dogs by evening. You can imagine how the chain King responded, he sent his army and his legend goes, the king was chained with Abu tablers. Dog. By evening time. It’s not how big a dog you have, it’s how big a fight you have in your dog. So this, we’re going to need some Abu tapers spiritually in the days that are coming. So I’m going to be comfortable. It’s not going to be fun. But God’s not going to give us a choice. God is telling us this is going to be the hardest thing you ever dealt with, or it’s going to be your finest hour. You can stand and stand firm in the faith, you can be on your guard stand firm in the faith that like me and be strong, you can put on the fall the whole armor of God. And you can stand your ground or not. But you have to prepare for that. You have to get ready for that. You have to ask yourself if I’ve given God permission to help himself to my life and the big things and the little things every day. We have to be prepared. That’s what God has called us to be you’ve been chosen and never forget you’ve been chosen. If you’re saved today, you’ve been chosen. He didn’t just pick a lottery out and say, well, who’s going to be saved today? Oh Dave Larson’s gonna be saved today is going to be saved tomorrow. Let me say yeah, Craig Herrmann will get him tomorrow. He chose you, your his plan, your his ob o Tiber guy, you’re going to get in you are called and he’s growing us up to stand our ground. And you’re not going to stand your ground. If Jesus is not Lord of your life. You’re not going to stand your ground. If God’s words not the final authority in your life, you’re not going to stand your ground unless you’re a man of prayer. That means there’s gonna be a few men standing because not many man a man of prayer, you’re not going to stand your ground if you’re not standing with men who are standing with you and behind you and protecting each other’s back. And you’re not going to stand if you’re not committed to make it your finest hour and representing Christ and given that gospel away. So that very guy who’s been beating you like the missionary that spoke to our church one time, he was taken captive for three months in Lebanon. And they beat him. And they’d come into a sale and beat him. And he said, One day I crawl through my own blood and kiss the feet of the guy who was beaten me. I thought, Man, that’s what it’s all about. He crawl through his own blood, to get the feet of the man that was beaten him. That’s what Jesus did on the cross. And you’ve been chosen to do the same thing. Now, if you’re not up for that, just how just quit kidding yourself about being a Christian? Quit kidding yourself about being saved? And what good are you? One man said, there’s a lot of guys in heaven that shouldn’t be there yet. Because they were doing more damage here than they were doing good for the gospel. So guys, I think we have to just ask ourselves a question. If I given Jesus permission to happiness after my life, you know, a lot of guys hadn’t done that. Because no one ever asked him to do that. No one explained it to him like that. Maybe today, you’ve not had explained to you like that. That’s what Jesus is calling you and made it be. That’s what he’s calling us to do. To give up ourselves to say, not my will, but your will be done. To understand that you’ve been chosen, you’ve been bought with a price, you’re under his leadership. And you by the act of your will say, Lord, I make you the Lord of my life, the absolute authority, the controlling influence, I don’t make a move unless you are leading and directing me, I’m learning to do that I’m growing and doing that I’m growing and being obedient. And when I’m disobedient, I repent. You forgive me, and we go on, and I go to more obedience and more victories. And that’s what it’s all about. And that’s what God is preparing us to do today. So I’m going to give you 30 seconds to do some work with God.

You got to decide today, he didn’t leave us a choice. We have to decide one way or the other to decide not to make a decision is to say no. If Jesus came in today and said, Would you make me Lord of your life would you say yes, I want to make you Lord cuz you understand a little better. You’ve been refreshed on what that means, at least today. Would you say God, I give you permission, to help yourself to my life to be my control. influence to be the Lord of lords and the king of King in my life and I don’t move without your permission. I don’t do without what you tell me I can do. I stopped doing what you tell me to stop doing and what I don’t. I’m quick to forgive, ask for forgiveness. And you forgive me and we go on in our growth in our growing pattern of you being the Lord of my life. Everything else depends on this guy’s you being a man of the word, a man of prayer, having men around you that are chasing after Christ and being useful in the harvest wheel depends on you making him Lord of your life. So I’m going to give you 30 seconds to deal with him. And however, he’s dealing with you right now.

Does anyone want to stay on right now right where you are and say I’m making Jesus Florida my life today. If you’re not, that’s okay, you got to do you got to work it out. But if you wanted to stand in this, let guys know they can hold you accountable, that Jesus is the Lord of your life. And you’re not backing up? Well, he’s proud of you. And I’m proud of you. And I’m proud to be among the bunch of men just like you. And God’s got great things ahead for us and opportunities ahead for us. And this is how we prepare for those opportunities. And let’s tell God we love him, that he’s a God of gods and he’s a king of kings. And let’s just sing that song as we close today. I love you Lord. I love you Lord.

My god


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Nord. That’s why we pray to be a sweet sound in your ear. You are God and you’re our guide and you’ve chosen us to be yours and we were so grateful and thankful. And Lord, we look for opportunities to honor and glorify you now. We want to go out and give them heaven. We want to be the your emissaries, your army, moving forward, moving the gospel forward. And there never been a better time in America to do that than today. Thank you for that in Jesus name And all God’s men said give them heaven guys

Transcribed by