Thoughts from Pete’s Message January 24 , 2018

The Deep End

Christians are unusual and live contrary to the norms of this world. Holiness means to separate according to the purpose intended by our designer. We’re set apart for our Father’s purposes…for it is God who worketh in you to will and to do of his good pleasure. For we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works which he has foreordained that we should walk therein.

Many Christian guys are reluctant to commit. At the “shallow end of the pool” are those who have recently come to Christ. Newborn Christians have one foot in the world and one foot in the will of God. When a new man is in Christ, he’s a new creation with the spirit of God in Christ in him. However, according to Romans 7 he still has an “old man” nature that wars against the “new man” in Christ.

At the deep end of the pool is the fruit of the spirit. The fruit of the spirit is the result of walking in the spirit of the new man…the spirit of God in Christ in us. Men of God must come to realize that we can “come on in, the water’s fine.” At the deep end of the pool even though we can’t touch the bottom and it’s uncomfortable, we come to a faith-based reliance on him. At the deep end of the pool is where we understand the meaning of trust and faith. At the deep end of the pool, we’re giving up our own ways and committing to his way. At the deep end of the pool, we leave behind rational things according to the world’s perspective. The rational thing is to rely on our own strength and on our own safe zone. However, the irrational thing is to “let go and let God.”

Trials and pain are inevitable in this world. Through the trial the question to ask is, “Lord what are you teaching me through this trial?” The goal of preaching is to make people “uncomfortable” with the things of the world. We need to feel the pain in order to convince ourselves that we need to take our medicine. For men of this world, the Word of God is not their friend. The Word separates the sheep from the goats. At the deep end of the pool, men realize that their life is not under their own comfort and control.

Throughout the hard times we can share our testimony more convincingly when we put our life in his hands, not our own. People are not interested in how you handle success, but rather how you handle adversity. God will teach us through the journey of life, how to live by faith instead of fear. According to 1 Corinthians, all Christians struggle with the same trials and temptations. The question is whether we will choose to be different from the world…separated according to his purpose.

Those at the shallow end of the pool marvel at those at the deep end. Walt Henderson wrote “Thoughts from the Diary of a Desperate Man.” He says “life is too short and the stakes are too high to live mediocre lives.” In the journey to follow Christ, we can choose to walk more closely with Him. In his proximity, we will come to know his character. He nature is grace, mercy, peace, and love. When he bids us “come” we must leave the shallow end and trust him to hold us up in the deep.

Casual Christians live at the shallow end of the pool. They live superficially with high walls to separate them from other men. Cultural norms separate and insulate us from fellowship with other men. Most men are like a Christian counselor’s patient who said, “my husband is an island. I keep circling the island but can never find a port where I can land.”

1 Peter 2:9 says, “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:” We are outliers from a world of darkness. When everyone else is sinking in the sands of life, our feet are standing on the foundation, the rock Jesus Christ himself. We may not have control but we know who’s in control. We’ve been changed by him who called us from darkness into the light of the glorious gospel of Truth. He has set us apart so that we can conduct ourselves in the manner worthy of our Lord…to the praise of the glory of His grace who has made us acceptable in the beloved.

At the deep end of the pool, men chase after men who chase after Christ. Other men will say to them, “you’re a peculiar guy. I want to know, why you’re so different” What separates us is that we “choke in the dust” of those in hot pursuit of their Lord Jesus Christ.

May God richly bless you!
Your brother in Christ,