Transcript 4/9/2021

Pete McKenzie
All right. Okay, buddy, have a great trip. Anybody else got announcement?

being a Christian man wanna

Unknown Speaker

Pete McKenzie
Just Yo, Kava average ordinary life, this Christian life.

All you got to do is read the Sermon on the Mount feel like something’s different going on here. Jesus requires a lot of those who follow him. How many of you guys are watching that series on TV called chosen? Raise your hand. Rest, you guys are out of God’s will. I watched a lot of Jesus movies and they’ve been good and the 10 commandments was on the other day. And that’s always a great movie to watch. I’ve never seen anything though, that smooth me like the chosen. You can go to your phone and download an app called the chosen. And it’ll take you right there. And it’s totally free. I mean, you can donate if you want to, but is totally free to watch. They finished first season I think there were about eight episodes. And I think it’s moved me the most because I’ve read the story and taught on the paralytic that they dropped down through the roof because there’s too big a crowd and put him in front of Jesus. And Jesus said Your sins are forgiven and got him in trouble. And then he healed him to prove that he had the power and authority to forgive sin. But what moved me was watching Jesus, and then watching the people that he healed the lepers, casting the demon out of Mary, who was called Lilith as a prostitute and she was demon possessed. And he cast a demon out of her and just see the change in her life. And just say the woman at the well when he told her everything about her and she said you’re living with a man you’re not married to and you’ve had five husbands. Well, you’d have to know more than that. And he started naming her husbands. And to see her life change, she became giddy. She ran in the town when she was at the well because she didn’t want to hit the noon de hour because she didn’t want to be around the other women, they always spit on her and called her names and put her down. And after Jesus set her free, she ran into Samaritan town and told everybody what he had done and they came running out to see who the Messiah was and who this man was she was talking to because they all knew she was a different person. She’s not the same woman she’s been. And just to watch him and to see his spirit and his heart and his attitude. This guy does a wonderful job of portraying that and see how the disciples respond to each other. They were arguing over who’s the greatest and who ought to be in charge and who’s first and who’s the best. Kind of like you and I would be done. But the thing that really gets me every time is when I read the Sermon on the Mount. And I remember the night that I got set free. I remember the night that after being riddled with guilt and shame and not knowing what to do with sin in my life. And Lenten sin, just cause all the guilt and shame and then burden with that. Maybe you might remember that in your own life. And I remember the night when I came to Christ and I knew I was forgiven. And it changed me. It changed me so much as Susan came up to North Carolina to break up with me. Because all the shenanigans I pulled in college in the way that I lived, and I think she had decided that I’m not I’m not going any further with this guy. Because we were either going to get married or not. We’re at that point in our relationship. She came up to break up with me but my life was so different. I changed so much that God changed her heart and we got married five weeks later. God is a life changer. God is a forgiver Redeemer deliver. He comes to lift burdens, not give them when you read the Sermon on the Mount and and you read things like if you lust after a woman in your heart, you’ve committed adultery with her that’s a pretty high standard. If someone slaps you on one cheek turn the other. What sense does that make? He’ll just keep slapping you before someone forces you to go one mile volunteer to go to when you read that kind of stuff, you just go How can you make a book in the marketplace doing that? Praying for your enemies and blessing those who persecute you. What is this life in Christ all about? What has been his disciple? What is following him really mean? And how do we has it working out in your life today. And I want to talk last week, we talked about sin. And I hadn’t heard a good message on sand. So I thought I bet appreciate if I was gonna hear it.

And I’m an expert, so I knew what I was talking about. I don’t think I’ve ever preached anything I knew more about than that last week. But what sin leads to in for a believer is forgiveness. Now I want to talk today about how to get forgiveness and how to give it. See, there’s two kinds of people in my life one person that sins against me, and the other is a person i sin against. And the thing that I realized as I’ve gone along is it doesn’t bother me half as much or doesn’t hardly hardly bother me at all. When I sinned against you, it really bothers me when you sinned against me. That’s a bigger problem. It but I got a problem in both directions. I got a problems, sinning against people hurting them and going and then asking forgiveness. Then I got a problem, forgiving those who have sinned against me. So I have a problem asking for forgiveness, and I have a problem giving forgiveness. So I got to figure out how can I do both of those with joy and get it done? Bill gothard define a clear conscience is living a lie. So no one could put a finger June say you rang me. And you never made it? Right? I want you to think about for a second who you got in your life that could say that to you. You wronged me, and you never made it right. And we have all kinds of defenses against that. Well, they were wrong. I got a resentment bank over here and see, resentment. Banks are born out of rights that are being claimed in expectations that are not being met. rights and expectations. Building. I mean, Oswald Chambers said, Any fool can claim his rights. In any demon, I make sure he gets some. Think of the people that violated your rights. Well, I have a right to expect. And eggerichs wrote a book called respect, love and respect, and it’s about marriage. Men need respect and women need love.

And if you don’t get that respect, you get wounded, you get angered, you get upset. I’ve had guys say to me all the time, well, she doesn’t respect me. And I say you respectable. What are you doing? And how are you living with her in such a way that she would respect to? I got a feeling you’re not forgiving her for not respecting you. I got a feeling that it’s causing a distance between you and her. And then a wife will give me three pages of his sins. And I’m pretty sure 80 90% of That’s all right, he’s done it, he’s guilty. But after hearing her three pages of that, which takes quite a bit of time sometimes because I like to go into detail. I’ll say you know, I’m sure he’s guilty of 80 90% of that. But the thing I’m most concerned about is your heart toward him. How you respond toward him. The bitterness, the anger, the resentment that I’m hearing in your voice, and it’s coming from your heart. That’s the biggest problem. You make a big problem out of his sin and it is a big problem. And I can tell it’s separated you from him and him from you. But what you have to guard is your heart. guard your heart with all diligence because out of it spring all the issues of life. So we got a problem forgiving others and then we have a problem asking forgiveness. I remember Jerry Leachman in a retreat A number of years ago tell shared the difference and being pardoned for sin and be unjustified. Pardon Didn’t you probably seen the movies where you come up for Pardon? If you’re in prison and you and you’re been there for a number of years every now and then every year so they’ll bring you up for for the pardon for panel it decides where they’re going to pardon you and you’ve paid enough you’ve been rehabilitated your change your debts been paid, and so they’re gonna let you out. And when they do that they pardon you and you, they let you go. And so they release you from prison. But you’re still guilty. You still did the crime. And I think that the people that have to wear that crime and last the longest are child molesters. They never get out from under the label. yoke. They’re never they can they’re, they might even be pardoned. But they never get out of the label. There’s never a release from the guilt and the shame that culture puts on them. So there pardon but they’re still guilty. They’re still criminals. They’re still felons. They have it on their record. But when you’re justified, and God justifies and men pardon. When you’re justified, Jesus clears your record. It’s just as if you’ve never done sin before. His blood cleanses you of all sin. So the two have no record. I remember Jesus teaching me this lesson one time I was journaling and I was out in the desert and I was taken a week just to spend with God and have a habit when I do that if going over this list that somebody came up with, for pastors, to check their heart, take heart inside looks to look at your motives, your sins, your thoughts, to check every area of your life and just see why you’re doing with the Lord. Now remember, starting to write down some sin and and then later that afternoon, I wrote the same sin down and I said, I gotta confess something. He said, What? You know that stuff I was telling you about this morning, he said, What stuff? Well, you may watch stuff. I don’t want to have to go over it again. He said, I don’t remember that stuff. Did you confess your sin? Yes, I did. Did you ask me to forgive you for your sin? Yes, I did. Don’t you believe I did. Because when I forgive sin, I never remembered again, I put it behind me as far as the east is in the West. I don’t hold grudges and I don’t have resentment, banks. I love you, I forgiven you. Your record is clear, you’re justified. Just as if you never sinned. When I look at you, I don’t see all that sand you did this morning and yesterday and you’re gonna do the rest of the day. I choose not to see that. What I see is a righteous robes of Christ that your but you’re rode with. I see that when you stand before me at the gates at the judgment seat. We call it the pearly gates.

When you stand before me at judgment, you’re not going to answer for all that sin. You’re going to have the white robes of righteousness. You’re gonna have belief in Jesus Christ. If you believed in your heart, did you? Yes, I did. And you profess with your mouth? Have you professed with your mouth? Yes, I have that Jesus is Lord, you will be saved. Have you done that? Yes, I have. Then you’re saved. You’re forgiven. It’s just like you never seen before. I don’t hold grudges. I don’t have resentment banks. You’re free. That doesn’t make any sense to me. Nobody’s ever set me free like that before. No one’s ever not held grudges. No one’s not just bringing up the past and reminded me of all my missteps and sin and shortcomings. Who could Who does that? I do. He said. That’s what I do. I’m good at it. I love to do it. Come to me are you are weary and heavy laden and I’ll give you rest. I’ll forgive you. I’ll release you. I’ll set you free. You know what our problem is. We won’t set ourselves free. We beat ourselves up. We send again and we send again and we think sand we do sin we act sin. We commit sin and we hold on to it. We may even ask for forgiveness, but we still hold on to it. We beat ourselves up I’m no good. I’m never gonna make it in here. Do we give the debt open the door to the devil? The blast fame God and just like he did with the you know why God doesn’t want you to eat from the tree of that knowledge of good and evil. He knows as soon as you do, you can be your own God, you’ll be like him. He’s a jealous guy. He’s jealous for his own glory. He’s jealous for his own power and authority.

So we bless him again. God and who God is, and what God does the character of God. Same thing with a man with the talents, the man that got one talent and buried it in the ground. And Jesus said, How where’s my talent? Where’s my prophet? He goes, Well, I knew you were a hard taskmaster who gathered? Well, you have not someone in retail you have not scattered. So I buried it in the ground. Here it is, You wicked servant. So you knew I was so wicked and hard taskmaster. That’s not who I am at all. You bought a lie of the devil. You believe the lie that I don’t forgive, and I don’t cleanse and I don’t make clean and deliver and set free. And you believe the lie. And you keep beating yourself. And you were afraid of me. Instead of run into me, you run away from me. And today you don’t have a prayer life if you don’t have a prayer life because you don’t believe God forgives. You don’t believe that God has set you free. You don’t believe he doesn’t have resentment banks, and he’s not keeping record on all your food. POS are your mistakes. All your cuss words are your thoughts of lust are your greed, all your selfishness, all your anger, we could go on and on we did that last week I’m tired. I would you probably are too. You’re never gonna live that life of more than a conqueror, you’re never going to be that that man of God that you could be in should be in that so desperately needed today if you don’t believe God forgives. But then there’s the issue of you forgiving. They say the Unforgiven heart is an unforgiving heart. If you never really had that moment in your life, where you sue or sit free, were you with that woman at the well. And he told you everything about yourself and you knew he was the Messiah. And he forgave that and you became giddy and excited and changed and different and happy. If you’ve never had that moment in your life, where you realize you’re not gonna have to stand before the judgment seat and be a goat. When he separating the sheep’s and the goat, and you’ve been forgiven your claim, you’re forgiven your righteous, and his eyes. If you’ve never had that moment, then you’re gonna have a hard time helping others have that moment. You’re gonna have a hard time forgiving that person that wounds you and hurt you. Maybe it was your dad. Maybe he was an absentee dad, he wasn’t there much. Or maybe he was there. But he was still absentee that he didn’t engage with you. He didn’t talk with you. He wasn’t there to build your character. He wasn’t there to help you. He didn’t play ball with you. He didn’t come to your games. He mistreated your mom. Maybe you got a wound against him? Most men do, unfortunately. And some of our children have wounds toward us is that. And we need to make it right if that’s the case. But see, I can’t make it right. If I haven’t been to the Beatitudes. That’s where the Sermon on the Mount starts with bless it or the poor in spirit. It all starts with humility. You can’t forgive if you haven’t been forgiven, and you’ll be forgiven. You have to humble yourself. blesses the poor in spirit. Bless those who are repenting and mourning over their sin. Those are the forgiven people.

Unknown Speaker
I don’t

Pete McKenzie
understand how all I know about that. But a few weeks ago, when God gave me Jeremiah 24, seven, I will put it in your heart to know me. God puts it in a man’s heart to know Him and to know Him we have to humble ourselves. If my people will humble themselves. That’s where you started in Second Chronicles 714. If my people will humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways you don’t turn from your wicked ways if you hadn’t started with humbling yourself and praying and not seeking his hands in what he can do for you, but seek in his face in his forgiveness and his

Unknown Speaker

Pete McKenzie
Then you get to that place where you can turn from your wicked ways. And then when you turn from your wicked ways, and you’ve done all that then he says I will hear from heaven. I’m not going to do it before those things happen. We pray for revival but we won’t come to the process of forgiveness. The ngunnawal forgive your sins, and now heal your land, your marriage, your bodies, all those things you need healed. But it starts with humility and mourning and repentance and brokenness before God. Which I look back on my sinners prayer. God I know I’m not the man you want me to be. I’m a terrible Christian. I’m failed at everything and keeping the rules. I didn’t know Never heard of the Beatitudes at the time. Or maybe I’d heard them and didn’t understand them. And if you’d asked me what’s the Beatitudes, I couldn’t tell you. But I was going through the process. I was going through the process of the important. poor in spirit, I was destitute in spirit. I tried living the Christian life, I couldn’t do it. God lets us do that to show us we can’t do it. He gave us a 10 commandments to show us we couldn’t keep them. A fallen nature a sinful guy cannot keep the rules. Oh, he can keep them some of the time, little of the time a few times. But he can’t consistently live a rule keeping life. No matter how hard he tries. We have fallen nature some better than others at it. The Pharisees were just took it to a doctrinal level of keeping all that they made two or 300 and fair, Seiko laws, he had to keep all of them not just the 10 commandments. And they were righteous in themselves. And Jesus called them the scum of the earth. Why did separators inside their dead man’s bones? He called them snakes, john the baptist did. You put loads on man shoulders that you won’t even carry yourself? He called them hypocrites. Jesus doesn’t have a lot of patience with that. All the people that you ever read about in the Bible and ever saw depicted in movies, he doesn’t have a lot of patience with Pharisees, with hypocrites of those who think they’re righteous in themselves, they compare themselves to others and think that they’re better. And they’re good. They want first place at all the banquets, they wear robes and uniforms. Show that they’re leaders and better than you and hire the new and have authority over you. You know how the Gentiles lord it over those under them. But it’s not so among you. you humble yourself. And when you come to know Jesus, and you’re truly forgiven, you don’t have to work at that. Because you came to know Him because you humble you. You were broken you, you he invited you to come Are you weary and heavy laden and you came and I’ll give you risk. You don’t have to strive anymore and be anxious anymore and struggle anymore. You don’t have to work so hard to get me to love you and approve you and accept you. I do already do. Quit trying to get on my good side. You’re already on it. Yeah, but you’re still on it. Yeah, but no, but you’re still on it. I still love you. I’m never going to forsake you. I’m never going to leave you I’m never going to disavow you. I’ve made vows to you and promises to you. And I’m going to keep my promises Will you keep yours which ones you’re talking about? I’m talking about not the guy you didn’t forgive, I’m talking about the person that sinned against you. They hurt you. They wanted you you got it dated, you got it marked, it’s in your resentment bank, but you’ve never forgiven them. Oh, you’ve gone through the motions of forgiving them. But when you get in their presence away, you know that you haven’t forgiven them. It’s when you get in their presence or see them, you feel awkward, you feel uncomfortable. You don’t want to make eye contact. If you see them in a crowded place you avoid them. Even at church it’s a terrible thing to have to go to church and avoid some people because they’ve hurt you and never made it right or you’ve hurt them and you know they have a grudge against you. It’s even worse when it’s in your own home. Even worse, when it’s your wife or your children. And as men of God, we have to make things right. We have to ask forgiveness and give forgiveness. We have to do it as a lifestyle. We have to be free, you cannot be free. If you’re not asking and giving forgiveness. You’ll never be free and it’ll hurt your witness. It’ll hurt your self esteem your Christ esteem your Christian a stain.

You give the devil ammunition to accuse you and rob you of your joy of your confidence in Christ. It’ll keep your prayers from being answered. And basically, it’ll make you useless and worthless in the war effort that we’re in. That’s what he’s good at doing. That’s what the devil is good at doing. neutralize me and marginalize them. Not just in culture where they’re dishonored and the disrespected in culture. You white supreme issue. You Christian, you. You call yourself a Christian and you listen to that You have a judge you have an advocate, the Holy Spirit who’s come and ministers to your heart and nudges you and coaxes you to ask forgiveness. Start with God. Is God forgiving? You guys come to me sometimes and they’re confessing their sin and talking about their issues. essay, did you forgive that person? Yes. Did you forgive yourself? That’s a hard question. Have you forgiven yourself? Because if you won’t forgive yourself, you’re saying Jesus, his death on the cross one enough. I have to be righteous in myself, I have to be perfect. I have to be holy, I have to accomplish my own salvation. And his death wasn’t enough. So if you’re gonna go around, beating yourself up and feeling guilty all the time and being unforgiving of yourself, not to mention others. You may not even be saved. He may not have the real disease. He may not have been ever forgiven in your own heart. The unforgiving heart is an unforgiving heart. I think the Scripture tells us to examine yourself. See if you’re truly in the faith. Because there’s a lot of people I’m telling you right now, there’s a lot of people out there that do not know Jesus Christ, but they claim him. They say they follow Him, they go to church, they may even go to Bible study, they may go to retreats and conferences, but they’ve never surrendered to the point of being willing and able to forgive others, the way that they’ve been forgiven. And Jesus made it this serious at the end, the Matthew six when he was teaching, if you pray, pray like this Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done. On Earth is it even heaven forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And then one verse later, he said, For if you don’t forgive those who, who hurt you, then I won’t forgive you. And I’ll never forget reading that I went cry. I mean, I gotta go forgive them. If I don’t forgive them. You’re saying you won’t forgive me? He said, That’s exactly right. He didn’t mess around with this stuff, is not small potatoes to him. He died, he had his son down the cross for us to be forgiven, and we won’t forgive. He takes offense at that. And I think we need to examine ourselves and see if we’re truly in the faith. Because if you’re having a hard time, if you’re unwilling to forgive, yeah, but you don’t know what they did to me, you don’t know what you did to Christ.

I don’t know if you’ve ever heard a message like this. And you may never hear another one like this. But this is most important message you ever heard. This is something that you can’t mess around with this, some you have to get right. This is something you have to be doing and not just for you. God’s a jealous God and you know what he’s jealous of your joy, your peace, your happiness, your freedom. He wants you to have it he died that you could have that. Nice jealous for you to have that. And he knows every time you get to a grudge and you got resentment and anger and bitterness. Start with your wife and your children. Start there. And then go from there. Take a heart inside, look at your heart. Get in the habit of doing that. Make sure things are right with God make sure that your conscience is clear the best you can do. That means that you’ve done everything you can do to clear your contents. Now you may go and ask forgiveness you may be thinking as someone you’ve wronged and hadn’t made it right, and you may go and ask for forgiveness and maybe they don’t have the grace in themselves to forgive you. That’s not your problem. Your job is to go and ask in sincerely meaning if you ever heard these athletes that get up and say they’re sorry, and you know they’re not. You can tell just by the way they say it, their body language, their tone of voice, their expression on their face. They’re doing a call some agent told them to get up and do that. But they’re not doing it heartfelt they’re not but when someone gives a heartfelt confession, I was wrong. Which is what we have to do with God. We have to get on his side against ourselves. I agree with you god that that sin it’ll break fellowship with you if I don’t confess it and repent and ask for you to help me not do it again. Would you forgive me? David did that in Psalm 51 be gracious to me. Oh God, according to your loving kindness according to the greatness of your compassion, blot out my transgressions for my sin has ever been before me. It’s you and you alone that I’ve sinned against. So when you’re gonna ask forgiveness, name your sin. I forced myself home Bathsheba killed her husband. My son is ever before me. And God forgave him. But he never had peace in his home again. He may go and ask forgiveness and they won’t forgive you. That’s a burden. But you’ve done your job. If you do it, then do it sincerely. But don’t go do it until you’re sincerely broken about it. You wish you hadn’t done it? Yes, they deserve it. Yes, they deserve your anger, your bitterness, your shunning them, whatever it is you’re doing to make them pay for what they did. And you’re the big one. So as I forgave and set, the prisoner free only defined the prisoner was me.

So I don’t know what kind of guy you walked in here. But I want you to walk out a different guy. I want you to go out there and give them heaven. And to give them Heaven, you have to have it yourself to give away You can’t give them something you don’t have. And to have heaven in your heart and joy in your heart and peace in your heart and freedom in your heart. To have that. You’ve got to get it from the Lord. You’ve got to get it from your own confession to your own homeland yourself and seek in his face and turn from your wicked ways. And when you have it, you can’t help but give it away. You give it away to everybody did you come in contact with you give it to the gal on the freeway, he doesn’t deserve it. You give it to your wife, she might not deserve it. It wouldn’t be grace if she deserved it. God gave you grace, he forgives us by grace, we’re saved by grace through faith. Not of ourselves. It’s a gift of God not a result of work. So no man can brag and boast about it. So would you come to me, if you’re weary and heavy laden, if you’re not wearing heavy laden, if you’re going to stand on your rights and your expectations, if you’re going to stand on the fact that they’re guilty, they really hurt and wounded you. The Holy Spirit is gonna withdraw from you. You wonder where you went. And maybe you never had him in the first place. But you did have him and now you’ve hardened your heart because you’ve been hurt and wounded. It’s not about you. We have to live our lives knowing that it’s not about us. I’m not offended that I forgive you. You have my absolution. So you’re quick to forgive when you’ve been forgiven. Just don’t do it again. Couldn’t have planned that better. Thanks for being a part of the deal. God, God’s getting a laugh out of this too. He loves it. God wants to laugh with us. God wants to have fellowship with us. God wants to be joyful with us. God wants to have a good time with us. That’s who he is. That’s what he does. But to get from here to there, we have to do some things. To enjoy his fellowship, we have to do things that he said do and that one of them is asking forgiveness and receiving it and giving it when we need to. And then we have then he says enter into the joy of your Lord. You have my peace. And Dewar, you will hang in there. You will. Because you have a god that’s hanging in there with you and he’s already done it for you. We just need to do our part. We do our part. He’ll do his part. You know what he’ll do his part even if we don’t do our part. That’s the kind of God we have. That’s kind of savior we have in Jesus Christ. He’s worthy of everything we’ll give him and we give him our heart. It’s not so hard to ask forgiveness when you humbled yourself before God and received it. It’s not hard. It’s not hard to receive forgiveness and walk in newness of life. Did you come in here guilty and ashamed and feel a little beat up because of your sin and your shortcomings. You can take care of that. And the second it doesn’t take a half day or a week. You can do it right now. You can just say God that he’s preaching. Even follow me around. He’s preaching that message right to me. I have the I hear a guy say that all the time. So you don’t have to say it today.

God’s calling you to himself. In between here and there we have take care of some business. Take care of it in your heart first. And just ask forgiveness and receive it from him. Let him cleanse you with the blood that he shed on the cross, to forgive that sin, that hardness of heart, that unforgiving heart, that callous thing. Get it right with Him. And then he’ll help you get it right with others. Whether you need to forgive them or need to be forgiven, he’ll, he’ll make that a joy. You can’t wait to get to. And then you’ll be given them heaven. You’ll be given them grace and grace changes people. I gave it to Susan and she wanted to marry me Go figure. She told me about our mundo. And I didn’t get mad I didn’t get angry. I’ve been forgiven. I’ve been freed up. I could give grace and it changed her heart. It’ll change people’s hearts when you start forgiving and giving grace and living that life. So I’m going to give us 30 seconds it won’t take any more than that. 30 seconds for you to do whatever you need to do with the Lord right now. Let’s don’t miss an opportunity to do that. And then we’ll close.

If you confess your sin, I’ll be faithful and righteous to forgive your sin and cleanse you of our unrighteousness not some unrighteousness

Unknown Speaker
what a God,

Pete McKenzie
what a Savior. And Lord, we worship you today. Nobody has a god like our God. No one has a savior like Jesus. And we thank you for Him with all our heart in Jesus name And all God’s men said give them heaven guys.

Transcribed by

Thoughts from Pete’s Message March 31, 2021


Is it worth it to dedicate my life to Christ? What in this life is worthy? What is really valuable? Jesus set an example of what is really worthwhile in this life with which God has blessed us.

When Mary washed Jesus’ feet with precious ointment, Judas Iscariot questioned if this was a good use of this valuable perfume. Then Jesus rebuked him…. implying that there is nothing really worthy but to humble yourselves in my service, he said that Mary was preparing Jesus body ointment signifying his death and burial. The disciples didn’t understand the value of Jesus’ death on our behalf.

In God’s economy, the wages of sin is death. We’re all dead in trespasses and sins, subject to the worldly lusts that we inherited from Adam’s fallen nature. However in God’s economy, Jesus Christ, because of his great love wherewith he loved us exchanged his innocent life in exchange for our guilty lives. As the perfect atoning sacrifice for sin on our behalf, he who was without sin became sin for us that we may be made the righteousness of God in Him.

In John 14, Jesus said to his disciples, “I go to prepare a place for you. For where I am there you will be also. Thomas said, How can we know the way? They didn’t yet understand the things of the spirit…. they could not yet see from a spiritual perspective for they had not yet received the gift of the Holy Spirit. Jesus explained to Thomas, You don’t know the way. I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto the father except by me.

Peter said, Lord even though the world will forsake you, I’ll never forsake you. Jesus said, before the cock crows twice you shall deny me thrice. Peter had to learn a difficult lesson that in his own strength he was powerless against the darkness of this world.

Why did Jesus sacrifice himself on the cross? What shall wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. I’m not a sinner because I sin…. I sin because I’m a sinner. Sin is the nature that was born in my flesh. As the Apostle Paul said, in my flesh dwelleth no good thing. I’m forgiven from sin not because of my goodness, but because God’s goodness grace and mercy. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. (John 3:16-17)

Even while we were dead in trespasses and sins, he who was without sin paid my debt of sin with his innocent righteous blood shed on my behalf.

My sin causes me to be fearful, timid instead of fearless and bold. The descriptors in 2 Timothy 3:2-5 and 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 describe my sin nature. The nature of sin is in pride and self-sufficiency…to glory in myself. However, despite my sinful nature, 1 Corinthians 6:10 confirms that “where sin abounded, grace abounded all the more:” “And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.”

Romans 7 says, wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from this dead body? I thank God—through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, with the mind I myself serve the law of God, but with the flesh the law of sin.
Romans 8 continues, There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.

What’s good about good Friday? The greatest good was done on that day. For he who was without sin became the perfect sacrifice for sin on our behalf that we may be made the righteousness of God in him. The grace of God is amazing grace. In that while we were dead in trespasses and sins, Christ died for the ungodly.

The devil and his minions will do anything to get rid of the truth of God and Jesus Christ, his word made manifest. On the day that Jesus was crucified, the devil thought he had cancelled God’s plan of redemption. However, what men and the devil meant for evil, God meant for good. On Good Friday, Jesus paid the price to ransom all who were held in captivity to sin and death.

What’s good about Good Friday? At the cross, Jesus led captivity captive… he cancelled the sin which cancelled the devil’s right to enslave us in sin and death. What shall wash away my sin? What shall make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. O blessed is the flow that makes me white as snow. No other fount I know, nothing but the blood of Jesus.

What is our life worth? Our Father has redeemed us and purchased us with the precious payment of his son’s innocent blood. “For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s….”

…that we may ever live to the praise of the glory of His grace!
Your brother in Christ,

Transcript 4/2/2021

Bill Kauble
Leader of the club.


Hello, hello. We’re getting there.

As my dear friend Steve, Burrington said it looks like you’re wearing a coffee filter.

As you can see all of our men, all of our men have masks on. They need to put masks on right now.

You put mask on,

or the beatings will resume. Thank you.

We welcome you to Good Friday. And as Travis said, as he was remarking about his parents, that was an absolute blessing that both of his parents knew Jesus. And both of his parents are in heaven.

And, and the testimony of both of his parents are powerful. We all love, Sam, we all love Sam, we love you. We’re fond of your brother, but we love you

very much. We want to welcome you here this morning. We believe that our purpose in being here is to encourage each man in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ. And the way that we do that is we gather and we celebrate who Jesus is for us. And we hear a great message and we hear great most of worship. But we also believe that animacy vertically and horizontally could be much more accomplished in a forum group. And so we searched far and wide for the leader that would lead us to do that. And we couldn’t find one. But then we found Ron Tovar. And then his sidekick, jack, Daniel, I mean Frank Daniels. So come here, boys.

I love jack and his

and his friend, Frank,

we have a desire in our heart, a desire in our heart, every one of you would be in a forum group, you’re going to say, Well, I’m too busy. I’m too busy staying at home, watching the TV. I’m too busy playing poker with my buddies. We don’t think you’re too busy for Jesus Christ. And we know we say that with love. But the beatings will resume if all of you do not join a forum group. So with that introduction, Ron, would you care to say something? Yes.

Ron Tovar
You know, a lot of

times we we think that we’re doing things and we’re just doing them, but

when you join a forum group, and you invest some time, and three other men or however many are in that group, you’re planting seeds. And when you plant seeds, sometimes those seeds come back and bear fruit. And that fruit can come and knock right on your door. And such a thing happened for myself. That was

Mark sickler came into one of our meetings. And he,

as many of you know, he was on his way to be sentenced and all and he’s close to all have our hearts a repented man and he ended up going to prison.

But he was in our four M group for a while and and you know, God was preparing them for that. And God has given him a desire in his heart to win 12,000 souls in jail in prison. Can you imagine that? And and, and in doing so we hear all these things about what he’s doing and Bible studies and even repeating Pete’s messages through Michael lows, or writings and stuff. And all that’s happening. But what happened for me was that my grandson got in trouble. And guess what?

Mark had three different opportunities to speak to him about Jesus Christ and being born again.

And that was a full circle for me. Some, some of us have people that are out there and we think it’s impossible to reach them. But God has a way to reach them and he did it through for him. And and so that’s what for him is about three men or four man five or whatever, about bonding together, praying for each other, and and get into more intimate relationship with Jesus. That’s that’s what it’s about and, and touching the world winning souls man by man, man by man. We have these lists and other Frank tell you about that.

Yeah good morning. I just I can’t express how important it is for men to be in a forum group, especially at times like this.

When there’s so much isolation, that’s the worst thing for any human being is to be in isolation. So it’s really important for you to be a part of a forum group where you can pray together, share together, cry together, express your feelings together, study the Word together. And so here’s a form a signup sheet is very simple I need to do is put down your name, and your address and your phone number, and your email address. And also, there’s a selection here where you can have a first choice and a second choice. And we’ll try to get you into an existing group now, so don’t don’t hesitate Sign up now.

Bill Kauble
Thank your man that’s watching, that there would be a stirring in their heart a desire for a closer relationship with you, father. And we know this vertical relationship to the forum is the gift that you have given us. As a father, we ask you to bless Ron and Frank and with their efforts, and every man that’s a shepherd, and co Shepherd Lord, we just lift this up in Jesus name, amen. Amen. As you guys know, we exist by the donations that you guys give us. And so right now we’re gonna give a blessing. And we ask that if you are part of this body, that you would give generously, and he give often. So Father, we just lift up this offering. And Father, you have been so faithful for us for so many years for 20 some odd years. It’s been amazing Lord. And we just asked you to continue to fill these coffers and multiply them. for your purposes. We pray that but the name and the blood of Jesus Christ, and he has risen. Amen.

Pete McKenzie
Let’s try that again. He is risen.

And you say he is risen indeed. Now that’s actually a Sunday thing. This is Friday, and that’d be a Sunday thing.

Today, we’re talking about Good Friday, and why is it good?

Friday’s here but Sunday’s coming. I still got it.

Yeah, what’s good about Good Friday? I think that’s a good question.

And, you know, I used to wonder about that I grew up going to Easter and getting Easter baskets as a kid and having eighth grade haunts and rabbits and chocolate, especially chocolate rabbits.

And all that. I guess I never really understood and knew what Easter was all about. And knew all the songs that we sang in church, but he is risen on Easter day. But Good Friday, we didn’t really celebrate much we didn’t. I don’t ever remember a Good Friday being an issue growing up in church. And maybe it was in sound, but it wasn’t an hour’s. So over the years, I started looking into what’s good Friday, all about why did Jesus have to die? I’ve been asked that question before, but from people. Why did he have to die?

And so as I prayed about it and read through the Scriptures,

I saw that Jesus came to die.

That was the whole point that

that he came for.

Matter of fact, he shared with you before that.

When he came, he was unusual. He won like any other prophets are preachers or evangelists that it showed up and all the false teachers that show up and he was different. And he attracted people. And they, of course, were attracted because of the miracles he did. And he did miracles to attract them. And then he taught him the word. We’re gonna see a video in a minute and Nicodemus is

meeting that he had with Jesus, you know, he came to him in the night you may recall that. But

I looked at the scriptures and was saying what led up to Good Friday to Jesus’s crucifixion. Cause around john 11, Jesus had been ministering to crowds and drawing great crowds and feeding them with with fish and loaves and feeding the 5000 healing paralytics and blind people, just doing his ministry and teaching it the Sermon on the Mount and 1000s of people would be there. Often next thing I’m going to ask him when I get there is how do you How did 5000

People hear you sitting then

had to get that done. Because he didn’t have a mic like I’ve got here.

But they got it done.

And then in around john 12, Jesus stopped ministering to the disciples, I mean to the crowds, and he started pouring into his disciples just downloading. He tried to prepare them for what was coming.

It’s like, God always warns his people, when judgment is coming, or some cataclysmic tragedy like him going to the cross was coming. He wanted to make sure that they wouldn’t be confused later. Now, they were totally confused when he was teaching all this stuff. When he was trying to prepare them. They didn’t get any of it. But Jesus knew that they would get it when Pentecost when they received the Holy Spirit. And then everything he had taught them with all of a sudden makes sense, that happened to me, when I came to Christ, I couldn’t understand the Bible, I’d read the Bible and didn’t get anything out of it. But when I received the Holy Spirit, when I was 22 years old, after being in church my whole life,

then I started reading the Bible. And it was so fun to understand what it was saying, and it spoke to my heart. That didn’t mean I became a student of the Bible automatically. But it did mean that I understood it when I did read it.

And I looked in john, starting with john 12. And actually, where Mary anoints Jesus, he’s at Mary and Martha and Lazarus house, and he had raised Lazarus from the dead net, to gotten a lot of attention. So Matter of fact, when he entered Jerusalem, on that last time for the Passover, and for all that was going to happen. There were so many people there that had seen Lazarus, and they knew he was dead. And Jesus waited three days, so to make sure that nobody had any question about him being dead, so that when he raised him from the dead, there would be no question what had happened. And so we raised Lazarus from the dead, and all those people were in Jerusalem for Passover, and they were witnessing to people, and they were telling people about Lazarus, and I’m gonna guess it Lazarus was there too, but he may have wanted to avoid the crowds.

We don’t know that. But Marissa Nona, Jesus and Judas, the treasurer, the betrayer, rebuked her for doing that.

And Jesus says, Don’t rebuke her, let her alone, so that she may prepare me for the day of my burial.

Now, they didn’t understand what that meant. And she didn’t understand that she anointed him with all and then he entered Jerusalem. And that was what we celebrated last Sunday and Palm Sunday. And people were glorifying him and

putting palm branches down. And he wrote into Jews from on a donkey, which was a royal King Lee thing to do.

And then the Greeks came seeking Jesus, and they came up to fill up and they said, Sir, we would see Jesus, have a friend, that’s a pastor, and he said, they gave him a new pulpit in his church. And they had engraved on that pulpit, sir, we would say, Jesus, just to remind him every Sunday, who they want to hear about, and to preach Jesus Christ and Him crucified.

And so Jesus, they said, we would see Jesus. And so Philip told Andrew and Andrew and Philip came and told Jesus, and he answered and said, The hour has come for the Son of man to be glorified. Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls to the earth and dies, it remains alone. But if it dies, it bears much fruit.

So basically, he was preparing them. And,

and then he foretold his death. And Jesus did this several times where he would tell the disciples, I’m going to Jerusalem, they’re going to arrest me, they’re going to beat me up, they’re going to persecute me, they’re going to nail me to a tree, but on the third day, I will rise again.

They couldn’t believe it, they first wouldn’t receive it, and they couldn’t believe it. And but he was just preparing them the best he could, for what they were about to face and what they were going to go through because it was going to be very difficult. Now judgment is upon the world, now the ruler of this world would be cast out. You want to know why Jesus died, he died, to deliver us from the ruler of this world. That’s what we need today. We need to be delivered from the ruler of this world who is dominating this world today and even more so. It’s kind of like he let a few demons loose, and they’ve always been loose, and they’ve always been doing their thing in the spiritual warfare that goes on in life. But now there’s just more and more just being released on us. And they’re the bullies are running amok. If you want to put it in those terms. Jesus knew that was going to happen.

And then that was happening during these days. So he was foretelling his death to them and preparing them for it.

And then they went on the night before the he was going to be arrested. And that later that night, and he had what we call the Lord’s Supper. And you’ll recall that he wanted them to make sure they and he understood that Judas would be his betrayer that he won, he won something that would surprise him, it wasn’t something that was he’s going to be caught off guard, he knew that. And he prepared his disciples for that. And, and they he needed them to know that he knew that was going to happen, and he allowed it to happen. And that he knew all this stuff was going to happen that happened to him during his Passion Week. So that they wouldn’t think that he was caught off guard. And they would know that he voluntarily went to the cross, He allowed them to kill him. He allowed them to, to suffer like to put him through that suffering. And at the Lord’s Supper, you recall that he washed his disciples feet,

and told them that what I’ve done to you, I want you to do with each other, wash each other’s feet. And he came to Peter and Peter said, Well, don’t just wash he said, not my feet, Lord. I’m not worthy.

Can you identify with that?

Jesus said, Peter, if I don’t wash your feet, you have no part with me.

And what that represented was the feet were dirty with sin.

And Peter, Peter said, Well, if that’s the case, and wash my whole body, and he says your whole body is already clean, it’s your feet. As you walk through this world, you’ll get your feet dirty, you’ll sin, you’ll have a have issues. And you need to wash each other’s feet, help each other, stay clean and forgiven, remind each other of the gospel remind each other of being delivered, remind each other to the lie that we’re on the salt of the earth, what I’ve been teaching you.

And so after washing the disciples feet, he told Judas to go out and do what he had to do. And so Judas went out and,

and to betrayed Jesus. But before we got through chapter 1334, and 35, is one that we memorize in the two seven, as we’re going through the forum, a new commandment I give to you that you love one another.

Even is I have loved you.

By this, all men will know your motto, disciple, if you have love for one another.

And so Jesus was making sure that they took care of each other, that they love one another. And that’s what he wants you and me to do. That’s what he wants us in churches to do. That’s what he wants us Christian families to do. Love one another. And the amazing thing is, he’s given us power to do that, not just love the those who are doing what we want them to do, and the way we want them to do it, when we want them to do it, and how we want them to do it. But those who don’t do that those who don’t wish us well, those who spit on us and slap us and mock us and ridicule us, those who forced us to go one mile.

We can volunteer to go to those who slap us on one sheet we can turn the other cheek.

Those who

are our enemies we can love and pray for

Jesus on the cross prayed Father forgive them. They don’t know what they’re doing. He’s given me a new through the cross. And and as the Holy Spirit in the prepared them. He said, I’m sending a comforter.

I’m sending a helper, someone is going to help you live out this life I’m giving you. So at Pentecost, they received the Holy Spirit. And they couldn’t live that life. I don’t know about you. But I tried to live that life without the Holy Spirit. And all I got was guilt and shame, frustration, even anger, anger at myself, angry because I couldn’t be good Amy because I couldn’t keep the rules. And Jesus says, I’m going to give you a helpers to help you do that. And that’s a Holy Spirit. And they received the Holy Spirit at one point and they you know, they turned the world upside down after that with a gospel and preaching the gospel.

In chapter 14, he comforted his disciples, He says, Don’t let your heart be troubled. Believe in God believe also in me.

Don’t be troubled about anything. And Paul said it over and Philippians four be anxious for nothing. What part of nothing? Do I not understand?

The answers for nothing.

Don’t let your heart be troubled. And in john 14, he said, my peace I give to you My peace I live live with you not as a world gives do I give to you so don’t let your heart be troubled and don’t be fearful.

And then in chapter 15, where he starts really downloading discipleship into their lives. I am the vine and you’re

The branches abide in me in Midland my word about in you and you will bear much fruit for apart from me, you can do nothing.

The third question we asked them we’re putting a wristband on a guy for a man of God is do you want to spend the rest of your life learning to become just like Jesus. So Jesus was preparing these guys. And he says, I want you to love one another. And then I want you to abide in me and the way you love one another as your body and me, the closer you get to God, the better you’re going to love each other.

It’s like when I’m teaching on marriage, and I’m sharing the marriage triangle. Jesus is up here. And here’s Pete, and here’s Susan, you and your wife if you’re married,

the closer I got to Jesus, the more I love, Susan, the closer I got to her. That’s what Jesus is basically saying, if we walk with him and abide in Him, we can love one another. But apart from me said, you can do nothing, nothing eternal, nothing righteous, nothing good, nothing pure, nothing true.

Nothing praiseworthy, nothing lovely. And that’s what we’re supposed to dwell on. And that’s what we want to when we have this spirit. So he was downloading into these guys in 15.

Then 16, Jesus warned these things that I spoken to you so that you may be kept from stumbling, and he didn’t want his disciples to stumble. But if they didn’t believe, if they didn’t have the Holy Spirit, that’s what we do we stumble.

So what’s the point?

why Jesus have to come?

And you know, I came to the conclusion that Jesus came because I’m a sinner.

CCN became the issue in the Garden of Eden. Jesus said, Look, Adam and Eve, don’t eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Because if you do, you’re gonna die. And that’s not just physically death, that spiritually, you’re going to die in your relationship to me up until this point. They had a great relationship. It was a loving relationship. It was fellowship, it was closeness. It was love.

And that’s what they enjoyed with God in the garden. But he didn’t put one tree in the middle of the garden tree. Well, it were to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the tree of life. He says that tree of knowledge of good and evil, don’t eat from that tree. If you do, you’re going to die. The devil comes along. And we can resist anything but temptation. We’ve already established that in this group.

And you know what happened? They failed and great was the fall.

The problem from then on was sin. It’s always been the problem. It’s a universal problem. Every baby born I look at babies that are born and the mom is holding him in the dad’s beaming, and I go, that’s a cutest little sinner. I oversell.

I never have one. I’m like that.

This is my precious little baby. Yeah, but he’s the center. And he’s gonna cause you a lot of misery.

That’s what we’re born to cause our parents misery and then our kids calls us misery.

But it’s because of sin. And so I started writing one day, I took all the things that I’d learned in Scripture and the things that I knew about sin, and

I’ll read it to you.

Know yourself and know your enemy, for they’re the same.

The Bible teaches that all have sinned, which means that I’m a sinner by nature.

I have the disposition of sin since my birth. It’s my natural DNA.

Because of this, I know that there is no goodness are righteousness in me.

I’m a slave to sin, and I can’t do anything about it.

I can’t fix or save myself. I’m spiritually helpless and hopeless. My sin does not make me a center of sin, because I am a sinner.

My sin is not something I do. It’s something I am.

My nature is to want to be my own God.

My sin is rooted in my pride and selfishness. And in this is in in this there’s warfare. My warfare is not against my sin. I can never fight with sin. Jesus deals with sin and redemption. Meanwhile, my sin nature is independent from God, and is outright rebellion against him

as a bona fide genuine sinner. I love the darkness because my deeds are evil. The result of my sin is death in hostility to a loving God who offers me life.

I’m capable of committing the most awful sins and atrocities. My sinful heart and mind does not submit to God. nor can it

is a sinner no matter how hard I try. I cannot earn my salvation

or get God

Love me, or accept me or approve of me. He already does.

Not having the Spirit of Christ in me I’m controlled by and kept in bondage by the devil and his demons to do His will.

The devil tempts me to sin

and then accuses and shames me when I do.

I ruthlessly control myself ish control oriented territory.

I’m in spiritual darkness and my best efforts will not get me out.

In my spiritual darkness often think I’m in the right light, left to myself because of my sin emcell to set to self destruct.

I know what is wrong, but I cannot keep from doing it. Because I have no power over. Even when I do write my sinful heart often does it with wrong motives.

am a man of unclean lips, living among a people of unclean lips.

The thing about sin is it hurts others and sometimes I care.

My sin separates me from God and others and because it’s all about me.

My son breaks hearts steals the trace lust covets, hates in lies. My son deceives cons, masks, cheats, manipulates and disrespects others.

My son loves things and uses people.

My sin weakens me and makes me dysfunctional in bankrupts my character.

My sin is ruthless with others, and soft on myself.

My sin is materialistic, shamanistic egotistical, vengeful, angry, resentful, bitter, and Savage.

My sin is deceptive, causing me to think I can get away with it without consequences.

My sin makes me feel guilty and ashamed. My sin makes me ineffective, impotent, feeble, frail, and fragile.

I see and makes me feel pitiful and contempt for others and myself.

My sin causes me to hide and wear a mask, which robs me of my dignity, my self worth and my value.

My sin robs me of spiritual authority makes me timid, fearful, rather than bold.

My sin blinds my eyes so that I cannot see my sin or know or do the truth.

My sin real rationalizes my crimes justifies my actions, and minimize is my guilt.

My sin hardens my heart It’s unloving and unforgiving and boastful, proud, arrogant, rude rash, so abusive and disobedient. so ungrateful and wholly, slanderous, without self control, brutal, treacherous, mean violent, conceited, intractable

and unavailable for anything but self gratification.

my sin can focus on another Christian sin against me to the point that I now see them as a sinner and I give myself permission to reject them.

My sin must protect my outward image and reputation and threatened in silence those who have solved it.

I see it makes me defensive. It makes me explain myself make excuses vindicate

but not take responsibility because I have become a victim.

My sin can lead me into every kind of sexual immorality and perversion coming from the wickedness of myself a chart that says I love me I want you

my sin to me and declaring that it’s okay and permissible to damage and abuse others while it’s actually offending My Holy God

my fully seen is quick to claim my own rights in any demon will make sure that I get them.

My Sin causes me to expect much from others but little for myself.

I see and leads me to make vows and promises that I cannot and will not keep if it doesn’t serve my selfish purpose. So all about me.

I see and loves impurity and indecency. It worships idols practices disobedience likened to witchcraft, and sets itself up against every law and command and standard of a holy God.

My sin spreads discord, envy, hate division, dissension, factions and jealousy that destroys relationships and families.

My sin is marked by selfish ambition and the desire to profit at the expense of others and to use them to get ahead.

My sinful pride will not allow me to make peace by humbling myself asking forgiveness or making restitution.

My sin defends itself from all righteous, other centered, intense and efforts. My sin loves to lord it over others and exercise prideful authority over them.

My sin resists authority in every form and rebels against it to my pero

sin has a day of devastating effect on me that causes me to try to ease my conscience, guilt and shame and things which offer temporary relief but long term bondage and misery, such as drunkenness, orgies, and addictions to power, wealth, drugs, comfort food, and celebrity.

My sin seeks revenge on those who have wronged me and makes me feel right and good about the pain I’ve inflicted on them.

My sin is critical of others and it loves to put them down which in appropriately makes me feel better about myself and superior to them.

My sin unrepented off will keep me from inheriting the kingdom of God and all the blessings he has for me and Christ.

I’m wearing myself out here.

Have you gotten the idea about sin,

sins awful sins, hideous sins, ugly, sins, deceitful.

Sin, separated man from God. The whole point of Jesus coming to down the cross was to take redeem us from our sin to deliver us to transform us to conform us to his image.

Jesus and john the baptist came preaching a message of repentance, and grace and faith in forgiveness.

Paul had such a struggle with sin in Romans seven. He had talked about the things that I know I should do or don’t do and the things I know I shouldn’t do. I love doing wretched man that I am who have saved me from the body of this death.

Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus Can I get a hallelujah from the congregation.

Therefore there is no condemnation.

All that’s I’ve read about sin and more everything that sin means there’s no condemnation.

He welcome the centers. He hung out with centers in tax gatherers and prostitutes and homosexuals and con men.

And he offered him life and a new life a different life. He offered him hope and peace and love, genuine love, real love, sacrificing LOVE, LOVE THAT pours out.

Love that serves.

Therefore there’s no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus because through Christ Jesus love the spirit of life sets me free from the law of sin and death.

Let me read that again.

For those who are in Christ Jesus because through Christ Jesus, the law of the Spirit of life sets me free from the law of sin and death.

In Romans five, eight, but God demonstrates His own love toward us in it while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Jesus Christ died for sinners, not for good people. There’s so many people that don’t need a savior, because they’re good, they keep the roof they keep the laws. They feel good about themselves. They compare themselves to those who are centers.

To those who don’t keep the law who’ve gotten themselves in trouble, gotten pregnant and had abortions.

gotten a girlfriend or wife pregnant and forced him to have abortions. He died for those people He died for the tax gather that was hated Matthew, who became Levi or Levi who became Matthew.

Come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I’ll give you rest

should be no question about Good Friday. And what Jesus did in what he did to prepare his man for it, he wants to prepare us for what’s coming.

He wants to get us ready.

He wants us to love one another, even as he has loved us.

He wants us to serve one another and give out in sacrifice and stand in the face of danger with no fear.

Take the pain, take the punishment, take the persecution for His glory as he did when he was reviled, he reviled not.

And as he’s done he asked us to go and do your the light of the world you’re the salt of the earth.

What more does he have to say? and What more does he have to do to convince us that we can do nothing apart from him? That we have a savior who cried in sweat like great drops of blood in the garden. In his humanity, he didn’t want to go that cross who would? He didn’t want to suffer the beatings and persecution? But what’s the point? What’s gonna help me might get this we are missing a point if I can’t see myself kissing him in betrayal. I miss upon if I can’t see myself hacking off Malka, seer and worldly defense. I miss upon if I can’t see myself sneering Are you the king then? I miss upon if I can’t see the scourging blew up in my own hands. I missed the point if I cannot hear myself deny him. When confronted with my love for him. I miss a point if I don’t go weeping into the night after denying him three times. I missed the point. If I can’t see the spit from his mouth running down his face or my mouth running down his face.

I miss a point if I can’t hear my mouth saying crucify Him, crucify him. I miss a point if I can’t hear myself mocking and jeering at him. Going along with the crowd. I miss a point if I can’t see myself jamming the crown of thorns down on his head. You see it? I miss a point if I can’t see myself pounding the nails into his hands in fee. I miss a point if I cannot hear myself say if you’re the Son of God come off that cross. And I miss a point if I can’t hear myself say with a Roman soldier. Surely this was a son of God. What more does he have to do? Nicodemus came to Jesus in the night. And he had a lot of questions. And he had an amazing encounter with Jesus. Let’s watch it now.

Unknown Speaker
God loves the world in this way. But he gave his only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Unknown Speaker
As Dallas in the creator of the chosen and the scene you’re about to see in the scene, the most impactful and famous chapter in the Bible john chapter three, the conversation between Nicodemus and Jesus. Now what you’re about to see will not only be the gospel captured accurately, but you’ll also see the historical context, the cultural context and the personal human context that we added that was set up by the previous six episodes. So enjoy the scene as it is. But if you want to get the full impact as to why this scene was so powerful, be sure to watch the entire season one of the chosen check this out. I

Unknown Speaker
don’t know where to start. I have so many questions. I shall we said first. Yes, of course. The Eastern slumps. Many wandering preachers have succeeded in gathering crowds, but their rhetoric and fiery tone I’ve heard a few of them over the years myself. So you know the time but I have never heard any paralytic much less it actually happened. So what is your conclusion? I believe you are not acting alone. Now one can do the signs you do without having God in Him

Unknown Speaker
to someone who has come from God and that was their belief going over in the synagogue.

Unknown Speaker
Which is why we are here at this hour. What else have you come here to To show us that kingdom that is what our rulers are worried about, about that guy, that sort of kingdom that a person cannot see. Unless he is born again. Born again. Yes. You mean creature, conversion from Gentile to Jewish? No, that’s not what I’m talking about, and what is born again, I hope you don’t be returned to the womb, because that would be a problem for me, my mother, and she rest in peace is dead. Truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh. And that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. That part of you that is what must be reborn to new life.

Unknown Speaker
Teach of Israel and your to do not understand this. Trying Rabbi what you hear the wind? How do you know it’s the wind? Because I can feel it. I hear it sound. Do you know where it comes from? No. Do you know where it’s going? No. That’s what it is to be born again. The Spirit. The Spirit may work in a way that is a mystery to you. And why you cannot see the spirit, you can recognize his effect. Mind is consumed with thoughts. What has triggered these words would cause when the teachers of the law? Yes. And I do not expect otherwise. They speak of what I know that they have seen and it has not been received by the religious leaders hard to receive. So if I have told you of earthly things, and you do not believe how can I tell you heavenly things? I believe your words. I just feel you may not have a chance to speak many more of them before you are silenced. I have gone to the more than speak words Nicodemus. More miracles. Yes. But even more than that. Do you remember when the children of Israel complained against God and against Moses in the wilderness of Paran? Yes, they wanted to return to Egypt and because the manner that God sent them, and then they were bitten by serpents. And they were dying. But God made a way for them to be healed. Moses lifted the bronze serpent in the desert, and people only needed to look at it. So was the Son of Man be lifted up for that whoever believes in Him may have eternal life. Our people are not dying from snake bites. They’re dying from taxation and oppression. Sorry to disappoint you. But I did not come to deliver the people from Rome and from Word from sin,

Unknown Speaker
from spiritual death. God loves the world in this way. that He gave His only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Unknown Speaker
Has nothing to do with Rome. All about sin. God did not send His Son into the world to condemn it Nicodemus, he sent him to save it. For him. It’s as simple as Moses a serpent on the porch. Whoever believes in him will not be condemned. But whoever does not believe stands condemned already.

Unknown Speaker
anything like this before.

Unknown Speaker
When I met Mary, that day. I told my wife and my students, she was beyond human. Only God could have healed her when I saw her

Unknown Speaker
Follow me

Unknown Speaker
and your seat join me and my students in today’s time we live companion come see the kingdom I am bringing into this world

Unknown Speaker
of opposition and Miss Anita and her family are getting advanced in years I understand that the invitation is still open in addition to what exact

Unknown Speaker
dogmatic life to give up there is a lot you would give up but what you will gain is far greater and more lasting. smother when you’re born again mysteries.

Unknown Speaker
Is it easy for us color picker time on the morning of the 50 leave. And when we By the way, the southern border is the kingdom My heart is swollen with fear.

Unknown Speaker
God told me nothing. I

Unknown Speaker
Why don’t

Unknown Speaker
you come with us? Can you

Unknown Speaker
kiss the son?

Unknown Speaker
STB, I agree with your parish on the way.

Unknown Speaker
take refuge in

Unknown Speaker
God loves the world in this way. He gave His only

Pete McKenzie
bless it are all who take refuge in Him. Maybe you came in here today and you just were coming to the men’s group. Want to see some other guys wanting to get back together and be in this atmosphere. This environment the Holy Spirit’s welcoming now saw. Ministry has created an environment where the Holy Spirit’s welcome to come and help himself to our lives. It will cost you something you will have to sacrifice you will have to give up. But what you gain is so much better. Maybe you’ve been a casual Christian, you’ve just been taking things for granted. You’ve been busy about the things you’re busy about in the world has gotten your attention and you’ve had a lot more time for it and putting out fires and trying to fight off depression, fear, anger, politicians, government mandates. And you’ve forgotten what the real issue is. You’ve forgotten what God has called you to do and why he saved you and forgive your sins and maybe you have no assurance of salvation today. Maybe you were baptized once, maybe not. Maybe you say you believe that you had a hard time reading the Bible and live in it. walking with God. abiding in him. You’ve avoided fellowship and prayer groups and for him groups in church. I’ve had enough of that. I’ve been in church all my life. Paul never got tired of preaching the gospel. For me to live is Christ to die is gain. He lived it every day. The reason Paul lived it every day as he was on his way to Damascus one day, and he was going to go kill in jail Christians. And God met him on that road where they meet you. Maybe today he’ll meet you. Why are you persecuting me? Why are you avoiding me? A doubt on the cross. Your sin is destroying you self destruct. You’re vindicating and rationalizing and explaining, justifying. And I need you to repent of that. I need you to come out into the light where I’m in the light and you walk in the light, you’ll have fellowship with me, in the blood of Jesus Christ, His son will cleanse you from all unrighteousness of sin. That’s the message. That’s the only thing that really matters. What matters to us if we have a country or not, it’s built on the constitution and gives us our rights as Americans. But is that the most important thing there is it’s temporary. Peace is always temporary. If it’s not, the pieces surpasses all comprehension. So what are you going to give yourself to something that sinking like the Titanic Are you going to give yourself to something that’s eternal and will never pass away.

something as small as a forum groups can reach 1000s of men all over the country in the world because of its multiplication aspect because of zoom, the technology that we all discovered during this pandemic. We got guys in Minnesota meeting with guys in Glendale who are getting meeting with guys in Irvine, all in the same meeting. We got guys that are going to to seven they’ll go through journey group and then they’re going to go out and get their own three guys. We got guys that are involved in forum that have never walked in this room or walked in the room up in Florida and no, no even know who we are. But they’re in foreground for him groups. And I we hear amazing stories about what’s going on in those groups, how God is meeting men. And if you’re going to redeem what was lost in your own life, then you got the opportunity. Maybe it’s in your church, maybe it’s in another group, but you have opportunities. Let’s don’t waste it. Let’s let the blood that was shared and ran down that cross from his head and his wound in his side and his feet. This make it count. Go out and get him heaven. But make sure that you have salvation in your own heart. And did you realize what a sinner you are and what you’ve been forgiven for. And one day, there’ll be judgment. And at that judgment, seek to separate the sheep from the goats. And you’re not a goat, if you’re in Christ, and you’re going to go to heaven and not spend eternity separated from him inhale. It’s a real place. And it’s a real ending for those in your family and your friends, and your neighbors and your divine appointments that God gives us every day. There’s nothing more important than sharing this good news with others. So I don’t know what you think’s been important and taking your time. But if you don’t have time for Jesus, he’s not first in your life. And he exhorted us to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. Jesus came to save souls not to save Israel from Rome. And that’s what we need to be about our Father’s business. Amen.

Unknown Speaker
Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for our sins. And then if we accept Jesus as our Lord and our Savior, we will have the gift of eternal life. And you said, Jesus, come follow me. That gets us to Matthew 2818 and 19, which says

Unknown Speaker

Unknown Speaker
and make disciples of all nations. So when we ask that you empower us to be the light in the world, your life

Unknown Speaker
Father is your last name is the price for that we thank you that machine in Hebrew means if anointed Messiah, anointed Christ in three, the Anointed One, you’ve already anointed Jesus to be anointed The one who came to pay the price for a sense for what I was looking at the details for so that we understand what we’re talking about praying for Archer holies spirit in a mighty way that goes with that oppression. And who are those mercies come by way of knowledge and understanding of who you are, what you did, what you’re doing that what you’re going to do. We have the road map for lilies blesses, in a mighty way, there’s 60 years here, there shouldn’t be 6000 levels. We shouldn’t be filling stadiums all the way out that state is to counter it with equal opportunity weapon systems, you are the weapons system, you have to hide Ross, He who has to hide with superior forces always wins the battle, you’re superior to all things that we’ve already spoken into existence. So look, we’re counting on you, in a mighty way, come for, for out that Holy Spirit. We read, you’re going to keep it in mind. And so he’s not going to freak us out when he pulls verses of scripture offered such a time as that. I remember and God bless him. I know he’s home. A few major groups bender told me many, many years ago, I don’t want you to make a note. You just go out there in front of those Marines and you tell them what’s on your heart policy. You’ll use your mouth so are we asking for you to enter into our lives in a mighty way? How does that help us to learn to practice in the privacy of our own

Unknown Speaker

Unknown Speaker
reading your work, study your work? details, or all these things and you’re such a precious thing? document for a lot of things, a lot of stuff short sighted are understanding Jesus versus

Pete McKenzie
God, we thank you for your faithfulness. We thank you that when you do it, it’s done. And no one can undo it. You’ve done it in our hearts. You’ve been faithful to us you’ve delivered us from sin you’ve given us your Holy Spirit. You put righteousness righteous robes on our backs. And we are so grateful guys, I want you to stand with me and sing this grade is I say oh god

Unknown Speaker
there is no

Unknown Speaker
her name with the

Unknown Speaker
changes na

Bill Kauble
da for

Pete McKenzie
great grant is our favorite singing man.

Unknown Speaker
Great His faithfulness marred by hard hitting numerous teams.

Unknown Speaker

Pete McKenzie
Lord, I hope this is music to your ears. as men stand and sing about your faithfulness, now May we go out and live it and give them heaven in Jesus name And all God’s men said given heaven guys

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